I'm Not Dead!
A Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan-Fiction
by Benji The Vampire Confuser
Buffy and Company belong to Joss Whedon. Alice belongs to New Line Cinema. The Powers exhibited by Martin Skorse were thought up by someone other than me.
"Well," Snyder sneered, "Seems awfully convenient to me, how you two disappear for an extended period of time, and you don't remember a thing about what happened to make you do such a thing, or where you were, what you did, or how you got back."
"We explained all this to the police sir." Martin said. He and Amy had arrived for their first day of school after their little trip.
"Well let me just be up front about this," the Principal said, leaning over his desk at the two recently returned students, "I don't buy it. Not one bit, not for a minute. I think you know exactly what happened, and why. But, for now, I can't prove it. But I've got my eye on you two."
Amy and Martin looked from the short, imposing man, to each other, and then back again. A fact that Snyder did not miss.
"Now get to class." the man said dangerously.
"Yah Ho Mein Fuher." Martin muttered as they hauled ass out of the office.
"Watch your mouth Skorse!" Snyder called after him.
"Whew!" Amy sighed. "Thank Goddess that's over."
"Yeah no kidding." Martin agreed. "I half expected Michael Palin to burst in and yell `No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!'"
"Well now that the official story has been passed to the authorities," Amy said, "Let's go find the people to whom we owe a real explanation."
Giles, Ms. Calendar, Alice, Xander, Buffy, and Willow had commenced the enormous job of cleaning up after the disaster of two nights ago. Cordelia had not shown up. Giles had had a devil of a time explaining to Snyder how the damage had been done.
"I'm glad I wasn't here for this." Alice muttered. "Does this kind of stuff happen often?"
"Way too often." Xander said. "Giles, what pile does `The Life and Times of Timothy Leary' go? In fiction or non-fiction?"
"Use your best judgment." Giles said dryly.
That's when they heard the door to the Library open.
"Dear Lord!" Alice shouted. Everyone raised their heads to see what had roused her.
"Oh my God," Giles said softly.
"Um," Martin said, holding Amy's hand. "Hi guys!"
The work had ended for the moment.
"So fess up!" Buffy demanded. "Last we knew you guys were wiped out by that Freddy guy!"
"What happened to him anyway?" Amy asked.
"Hey," Xander said, "We're askin' the questions here. Answer the lady Martin."
"Okay," Martin said, taking a deep breath, "Here goes. I have a power, not magical or anything like that, it's some kind of genetic mutation. I can teleport, anywhere on the globe. When Freddy was about to whack me, the stress of the moment caused the power to manifest itself. Amy went with me, because she was touching me at the time."
"Of course," Alice murmured, "I should have known when Amy disappeared as well. She wasn't asleep."
"Where did you go?" Willow asked. She was secretly rejoicing that Martin had realized how Amy felt about him, and he'd reciprocated those feelings.
"A small uncharted island somewhere in either the southern Pacific or Atlantic." Martin answered. "And no, I'm not the only one with this power, and the reason why we hadn't come back until now, was that I needed to learn how to control my power."
"Sure it is." Xander teased, twinkle in his eye. He two had noticed just how close Amy and Martin now were.
Once tales were told, and explanations given, the cleanup continued. Amy and Martin were glad to lend a hand. It beat going to class.
The End