Jan 12, 2011 00:43
Yesterday I installed Photoshop CS5, and instantly decided that learning to use it efficiently would take some time. Did lots of housework instead.
Today I started on the 1,000 piece jigsaw I got for Xmas. After one hour I had a sore neck and about 25 edge pieces joined up. Have put them back in the box and it's going to a charity shop at the earliest possible convenience.
So instead, I pruned my iPod. I tend to play it on shuffle, but have too many compilations full of stuff I don't like. Too much metal and EBM, and dodgy 80s goth tunes with such poor recording quality you have to turn the volume up when they come on. Just to discover that "Spahn Ranch" don't tickle my boat any more, if they ever did. Deleted 3 albums and an additional 200 tracks. After listening to snippets of EVERY compilation track I own. Took about 6 hours.