OH CRAP IT'S A ZOMBIE GET IN THE CAR || Locked to tiny_schemer

Mar 09, 2011 18:16

[ This was not good.

On a scale of one to apocalypse, it ranked somewhere between "surprise naked math test" and "guest star at vampire piñana party". Not quite a world ending event, but what was, these days?

Everyone was dead. That was a small relief, at least. There had been no screams, no cries for help when he'd driven into town, no answering calls when he'd laid on the horn in shock at the first of the dancin' dearly departed. No sign of life when his tire had blown out (thanks so much for lying about replacing those, Uncle Rory) and he'd crashed into the steps of the oh so quaint and countrified City Hall building.

At least City Hall had bars on the windows. People said small towns were peaceful. They weren't peaceful.

Pulling the big double doors closed behind him, Xander quickly whipped off his belt and cinched it tight around the metal bar handles. That wouldn't hold, he knew. Not for long. And there were sure to be other entrances. ]

Why did it have to be zombies? Why couldn't it be kittens?

[ The undead outside slowly milled around the wreck of his car, moaning quietly to themselves. At least they were Romero's zombies. That was a small favor. ]

Tiny fluffy living kittens.

[ A very small favor. ]

Hello? Anyone in here?
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