Dec 13, 2010 02:36

The Snowbound Meme

It was business. Or was it pleasure? You had to travel so far from home, and then the snow began falling fast and thick. You couldn't even make it to the hotel, or whoever's house you were going to stay at. There's nothing for it but to make for the nearest house and to throw yourself on the mercy of the homeowner.

  1. Post with your character getting ready to open the front door in response to a knock.
  2. (optional) Inline (if it's not screenbreakingly big) or link to a picture of your home, neighborhood, or general environment to set the scene. It's totally fine to AU/AR your character or to have any kind of home in any location in any time period! Just make sure it's snowy.
  3. Characters who reply are trapped in a strange town without any way to reach their friends/family or any place to stay.
  4. Because this is a strange town, characters will not know each other. All previous CR is forgotten in this meme. Take this opportunity to thread with some new people or to rebuild some stale relationships.
  5. Hosts - decide whether you're willing to take care of this guest, or pitch 'em out into the cold!
  6. Guests - by hook or crook, charm or cash, try to find a place to stay until the snow clears!


Hosts - Kick one guest out and keep one guest! Yes, you have to do both. B| Yes, it can be the same guest that you kick out and go rescue later.
Guests - Get a host to agree to keep you!

HOSTS & GUESTS: please put "BOOT" in the subject line of tags where a guest is booted and "KEEP" in the subject line of any tags where a host agrees to let a guest stay.

Don't forget to stop by the Swap Meet Meme to introduce yourself to some new partners!

Also, this is an Omnisphere meme so can the porn or take it to a private thread at Lovesphere.


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