Oct 06, 2006 20:02
SO the hair cut is the win. Everyone likes to so far. Even my dad told me it looked nice. The lady told me i was lucky for the fact that a bunch of girls had wanted cuts with the side swiped bangs but there hair wouldnt go to the side or it looked bad ont hem but it worked for me. Yay
went and saw the chainsaw massicure and wanted to thorw up seeing as i am not one to want to see scary movies i wanted to go just because peopel on the bus said it was good...they lie the liitle lier faces. and the fact its based on real life is gross. i mean how horrbale. i mean it happened no where near maine but still how scary.
When i home todya i also noticed messgaes? HUmm lisen. some lady was all I dont want the cable in the public schools bitch bitch bitch moan moan moan i mean thats nice for her and great she has 3 kids in public school. I think we need it the school currrent events in our schoool are from like 1983 which if you havent relized arent current i think it would be a great teaching guid for english media and history clases. I want a chance of abetter bettter school. i mean our school is about to loose our accradaation if we dont change something and i think one of themaine proublems is we are a small underdated school we dont have nayting nice its rundown all the kids know it and figuer why bother i got to a rundown high school its pointless. there are days i think why bother the school officles arent trying to clean this place up i am doomed to be a small town trash the rest of my life its not worth it. But it is in a way. i mean i can go to coallge in maine then transfere someone nice like colorado.
"Its raning light its raining magic its raining life. hey hey i feel liek danceing all night long its rainging liek magic its falling like starlight." My ode to fern gully because its amazing.