Jun 29, 2011 17:41

SO. Here's the deal. Neuro here is a demon - a real powerful one. He practically has more powers than he has hairs on his head. In canon, he does all sorts of ridiculous things that would prrrobably be pretty godmodey to try and pull off in a roleplay. Most of his truly ridiculous powers are active and will be handled when/if a situation concerning them pops up, but he has a few passive ones that could overstep boundaries - so help me not do that by filling out these questions!

The biggest thing here is Neuro's ability to sense mysteries. Basically, Neuro has the ability to sense 'evil intent' - when a person has a strong desire to commit crimes, particularly murder, Neuro will be able to feel it. While he is not necessarily able to pinpoint the exact person right away, he CAN tell where the general area of evil intent is. Generally, this power works best when the evil intent is at its highest; if the person in question is on the verge of committing their crime, that's when Neuro will best be able to sense their intention.

How does this affect you? This means Neuro tends to be able to tell if there's certain traumas or hangups in an individual's past, as they usually have lingering negative emotions. However, he will usually only act on those emotions if they're particularly unusual or enticing to him; the more dark and complex the person's story, the more he'll be drawn to it. Neuro, however, normally only acts on these if the person has the aforementioned evil intent.

So, permission questions:

1. Does your character have an unusual and traumatic past? Do they have criminal desires? If the answer to either or both is yes, can Neuro sense their negative emotions?

2. Is your character a human? If not, can Neuro sense that they are inhuman? Neuro can only recognize demonic energy. If your character is neither a human or a demon, he will only know that... well, they're not human or demon.

2a. If your character is a demon, can Neuro recognize that they are a demon?

Neuro does not really hide his own demonic energy, as he's never had a need to, so other characters are free to notice it if they have similar abilities.

3. Can Neuro hack your posts? He has the power to physically enter dataspace, and is therefore a pretty darn good hacker - however, he is not unbeatable, and sufficient security can easily keep him out.

4. If your character garners Neuro's interest, may he keep tabs on them? His Evil Friday spell allows him to track targets remotely. Only on rare occasions will Neuro do this - mainly if he's interested in getting a good scoop on a mystery. I will PM you individually if I think Neuro would be interested in tracking your character, but it's good to get a general yes/no!

That's all! I'll tackle any other situations and/or problems on a case-by-case basis (no pun intended.)


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