Toilet Training 101

May 11, 2010 16:07

Pee goes in the toilet.

Not on the seat.

Not on the floor.

Not on any other surface or area.

Just inside the toilet.

This is a fairly widely accepted commonality, yes?

Then can someone please explain to me why I had to spend 5 minutes of my omg-i-have-to-pee-NOW break doing the "i have to go really really bad" dance around a COLLEGE bathroom wiping pee off the seat and throwing paper towels on the wet spots around the front of the toilet which I was not going to assume was just water?

Also, your sanitary napkins etc.? See that nice bin attached to the wall right next to the toilet? Closer to the toilet than the toilet paper dispenser? THAT is where those things go. Not teetering on top of the trash can. That is where paper towels go.

I'm not even sure what the logic behind that move was. It's across the room from the toilet (single toilet bathroom, no stalls). How...?

I also have to assume that the feminine product disposal bins are not just to look pretty, that they are somehow required and are emptied seperately than the normal trash (at least this is what I have read), further adding to the question of why you would choose the normal trash over the one specifically for your item(s).

You used to try and put the square peg in the round hole for hours as a child, didn't you?

and then i poked my eyes out, wtf, tmi, randomness, icanhassanitynowplz?

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