Title: Crisscrossed Pattern
nekareRating: R
Word Count: 1727
Summary: Bill never feels as lonely as he does when in missions with Shacklebolt, worry for his family washing the world's colors off.
Warnings: HBP spoilers. Beta-ed by the lovely
why_me_why_not. Bill/Fleur on the side.
Author's note/Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. Written for the
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Comments 8
Wow. um yeah.
Thanks, sweet. :)
Maybe I just repeat that line!
This was amazing! I *loved* this - really. I didn't read much of this pairing or Bill yet but every story makes him more vulnerable and stronger at the same time.
He's much more than the boy with more scars than Harry (sarcasm this way ;)) or just Fleurs becoming husband. ;)
He becomes alive in your story with worries and needs, with love and pain, with disappointment and success which tastes bittersweet. You showed every side of him: a warrior, the brother and son, the husband,... at least just the man.
Really well written and just... *sigh*
I've always liked Bill (and Fleur, in all honesty, she's underapreciated), but I'd never been that interested in him. That's why I like this kind of challenges, actually, it makes you get under a character's skin. :)
Thank you so much, hon!
"Now Death Eaters have faces when they capture them..."
Particularly liked that line. :D Also the bit about the remnants of the Dark Mark; quite the thought, that. And yay for Moody taking control of the Order, aheh. *thumbs up*
Hehe, at first I was going to make Lupin take over, but it didn't... fit.
Thanks so much for the comment!
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