Title: Where My Thought's Escaping
snorkackcatcherRating: PG-13
Characters: Cho Chang, her parents, Michael Corner, Marietta Edgecombe, Su Li, various OCs and canon cameos
Length: Total 20,000 words approx
Summary: Cho had enjoyed her visits to Guangzhou. She wasn't at all sure she wanted to live there. But when her parents moved their family away because of the war, she found herself trying to build a new life in China -- and struggling to reconcile it with her unfinished business in Britain.
Notes: Originally posted as part of
springtime_gen 2009. The link below is to my fic journal: a few minor changes have been made to cover what looked, on reflection, like small plot holes, and there are some 'DVD commentary' notes at the end.
A new country, a new life. Just like that, out of the blue )