mod post: the future of the community

Jan 28, 2009 14:33

As you may have noticed, activity on omniocular has been very sparse for several months. We have been shamefully negligent moderators, and the low number of new contributions and minimal participation when we last held monthly challenges (quite a while ago, we admit) suggests to us there is simply not the same degree interest as there was when we began omniocular a few years ago. Not very surprising, perhaps, as the fandom interests of many of the community's members and watchers have changed.

sasha_davidovna and I have been discussing where the community can go from here, and we would love to have some input from members and watchers to gauge interest in the possibilities.

If there is still significant interest in a dedicated HP gen fic community, we are definitely open to suggestions for how we can revitalize the community within its original purpose. sasha_davidovna and I have limited time and energy to devote to overhauling the community right now, but there may be others who are willing to give it a shot. We are willing to consider passing the reins if it means an injection of fresh ideas and contributions.

Another option that has been suggested is that we open omniocular up to other fandoms. We know that many of our current members and past challenge participants are active in non-HP fandoms, including some in which gen fic and artwork can be hard to track down. This could be on either on a month-by-month "guest fandom" basis, similar to the monthly challenges, or as a permanent community for gen fic from multiple fandoms. (HP fanworks would, of course, always be welcome.) We haven't discussed the finer details of how this would work yet, but we are putting it out there as a possibility.

What we would like right now is to gather your opinions on what, if anything, you would like to see happening on omniocular in the future. Shall we close up shop, attempt to revive, or change course? Or something else entirely? (You'll have to think of your own mixed metaphor for the "something else.")

Please feel free to share your opinions in the comments of this post. We welcome any and all suggestions and ideas. Thank you!

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