2007 AU Extravaganze Claims Post

Sep 02, 2007 08:54

Claims for the 2007 Harry Potter AU Extravaganza are now open!

As always, both members and non-members are welcome to claim prompts. We ask that you please claim only one prompt at a time; however, you may claim as many as you can do over the course of the month. If you wish, you can claim your own prompt.

Each prompt may be claimed only once, but collaborations between artists and writers or between writers or artists are welcome.

We also invite both members and non-members to submit entries for the challenge that are not based on any of the prompts, if you have an idea that does not appear on the list of claims.

Gen stories and artwork of any length, size, rating, genre subject, and style are welcome. Members: You may post your work at any time according to the posting guidelines. Non-members: Please post your work in your own journal, then comment here or send us an email at omnio_mods @ yahoo.com with a link and we will post a link on the community.

The challenge will be open until September 30. Have fun!

The Prompts

A few of the prompts have been modified slightly to prevent duplication or because they focused on changing or eliminating canon pairings. Although realigning pairings can certainly be an aspect of any AU story written for this challenge, please remember that this is a gen challenge and pairings should not be the focus of any story or artwork submitted for the challenge.


1. Snape was Sorted into Hufflepuff.

2. Sirius is sorted into Slytherin. - Claimed by lareinenoire

3. Arthur and Molly were actually sorted into Slytherin, how would it affect how they raise their children?

4. Narcissa Black was sorted into Hufflepuff.

5. Regulus is Sorted into something other than Slytherin, either instead of Sirius being the unconventional one or compounding his brother's break with tradition. - Claimed by minkhollow

6. Luna is Sorted into Slytherin.

Life, Death, and Non-existence

7. The Potters still have the invisibility cloak when Voldemort comes knocking. Lily uses it to get herself and Harry out of the house. - Claimed by flaeyr

8. Shortly after Dumbledore's funeral, Harry dies in some non-Voldemort-related way (chicken pox, a car crash causing decapitation, septicemia after sticking his hand in the garbage at the bottom of his trunk, cold, starvation, mushroom poisoning, etc.). It is generally believed that Voldemort is now invulnerable, since the Chosen One is dead. What happens then?

9. Remus and Tonks survive the war, but get divorced shortly thereafter.

10. Lily grabbed Harry and Apparated out of the house as soon as she heard James yelling at her to run and save Harry. What happens in a world where Voldemort isn't vaporised and there is no Boy Who Lived?

11. What if Molly Weasley had been too late and Ginny had died? - Claimed by codenamelily

12. Amycus Carrow succeeds in his attempt to murder Neville (before Neville can create the DA's haven in the RoR).

13. Dumbledore was wrong, and Harry wasn't a horcrux...so when Voldemort kills him, he dies. However, all other conditions still apply - Harry was the owner of the elder wand, he sacrificed himself to save everyone (so even with Voldemort as the owner of the elder wand, his spells still don't work against them), and Narcissa and Lucius are primarily worried about Draco, not about Voldemort's goals.

14. Dobby lives and joins the Trio on the remainder of their search for the Horcruxes.

15. Severus Snape never existed. One or more events from a Snapeless universe. - claimed by polkadotsquared

16. What if Lily were an only child? How does she grow up? Who does Dumbledore send Harry to live with?

17. That branch that drops on Petunia's head when she's eavesdropping on little Severus and Lily in the forest? Hits her more strongly and causes brain damage. She slips into a coma from which she never awakens. What becomes of Lily and Severus's friendship, and/or if Lily eventually sacrifices her life for Harry, who raises him?

18. The Prank is not foiled at the last minute by James Potter. Severus Snape is killed.

19. Harry died when Voldemort killed him - when he awoke again, he was undead. (Inferius or just a plain Zombie, not a vampire or a ghost).

20. JKR's "exchange of hostages" never took place: Arthur Weasley dies in the middle of Book Five (and Remus and Tonks survive the final battle). How does this shape Harry's journey and his relationship with the Weasley family?

21. Petunia died in childbirth, along with her son, Dudley. When James and Lily die as well on Halloween 1981, there is no one of his mother's blood for Harry to go to. What happens to him as a result?

Family, Friends, and Loyalties

22. Regulus does not join the Death Eaters, even though it means his mother will keep nagging him to do so.

23. On the train before first year, Harry takes offence that Ron mocked Draco's name - while he still does the same for Ron when Draco belittles him. Either they all become friends or none.

24. What if Dumbledore had remained allied with Grindelwald and the two of them went on an anti-muggle crusade across England?

25. Tom Riddle was Myrtle's only friend.

26. The Weasleys have six girls and one boy. - Claimed by singwithin

27. One of the Marauders wasn't the same age as the other three, and therefore not in the same dorm. Would they still be friends?

28. The Longbottoms were never tortured and Neville had a reasonably normal childhood.

29. Marauder!Snape (optional whether he replaces Peter in the group, or whether all five of them are around) - Claimed by a_t_rain

30. What if Harry had adopted Ted? - Claimed by piratesword

31. 12-year-old Harry finds out that, due to a time travelling accident, Ron and Hermione are actually his grandparents.

32. Muggleborn Peter Pettigrew is best friends with pureblood Regulus Black. What impact does this friendship have on them both?

33. Ron and Harry never go to rescue Hermione from the troll in first year.

34. The Dursleys really raised Harry "like a son."

35. Sirius had a say in Harry's fosterage placement and he was therefore raised by the Tonks family (either from the age of one or later)

36. Filiusitus! (If there can be Severitus, why not?)

37. At some point in DH, Bellatrix Lestrange realises that she has made a terrible mistake, and is determined to work for the forces of good.

38. James switched Secret-Keepers a second time, without telling Sirius or Peter. The one who betrayed the Potters to their deaths was Albus Dumbledore.

39. Wormtail's silver hand is more loyal to him than it is to Voldemort.

40. During Percy's alienation from his family, he is a secret agent for the Order/Dumbledore/the good side. However, his family and most of the Order remain unaware of his true allegiance.

41. Kingsley Shacklebolt is secretly a Death Eater.

42. Dolores Umbridge - Dumbledore's Woman.

43. What if Remus hadn't returned to Tonks after his quarrel with Harry (and what impact that decision would have had on Teddy's life, to avoid the shippy angle).

44. Percy never reconciles with his family. - Claimed by broken_stone

45. Minerva McGonagall is a Death Eater.

Squibs and Muggles

46. Vernon Dursley: closeted, self-hating wizard.

47. What if Petunia had been accepted to Hogwarts?

48. Even with all her issues, Ariana Dumbledore had the gift of prophecy, and could fortell the future. How does this change what happens?

49. Vernon Dursley secretly works in the Ministry of Magic - the drills are just a facade. He is a wizard of great power and wit, and while he is loyal to the Ministry and isn't Dark, unfortunately, he is also a vicious bastard. (optional: he is Dolores Umbridge.)

50. Lily and Petunia both want Petunia to have magic so badly that Lily manages to accidentally share her magic with Petunia - and by share, I mean that they literally draw on the same store of magic.

51. Teenage Dumbledore and Grindelwald cure Ariana; years later, she and Grindelwald marry and establish a dynasty that continues to Harry's day.

52. Ariana's ailment is discovered, and she is either sent to St. Mungo's or Hogwarts.

53. Ariana Dumbledore was never hurt by those boys, and consequently grew up as a regular witch.

54. Ariana Dumbledore is a regular witch, but Grindelwald notices her power and deliberately hurts/kills her when he's there for the summer. Albus and Aberforth can either know or not know.

55. Severus is a Squib.

56. Harry's Patronus charm triggers Dudley's magical abilities - he wasn't a Muggle at all, just a very late developer who needed the presence of really powerful magic to kick start his own. How on earth do his parents cope, and how does it affect Harry's quest (if at all)?

The Ol' Switcheroo

57. Sirius really was the traitor.

58. Tonks isn't Andromeda's daughter: she's Bellatrix's.

59. Godric Gryffindor decides to leave the school instead of Salazar.

60. Luna Lovegood is the Heir of Slytherin.

61. Remus Lupin betrayed the Potters, Pettigrew was the innocent one in Azkaban, and Sirius Black taught the DADA class during Harry's third year.

62. Ginny is 'the chosen one.'

63. Bill and Fleur, not Remus and Tonks, become instant parents and die in the Battle of Hogwarts. Victoire, not Teddy, is the orphan of the Second War.

64.Luna's father dies in an accident, instead of her mother.

65. The Founders' quarrel is between Rowena and Helga, rather than between Godric and Salazar.

66. Hufflepuff is the House treated with a double dose of suspicion, thanks to a high number of morally dubious alumni. After all, you have to keep an eye on the quiet ones...

67. Fleur Delacour touches the Triwizard Cup instead of the boys. - Claimed by paradise_loved

68. Arthur Weasley married Bellatrix Black instead of Molly. (Let's pretend she is the same age as Molly.) Ron and his brothers/sister exist. Bellatrix wasn't caught and put into Azkaban (which doesn't mean she didn't commint her crimes - Arthur either knows or doesn't know about them). What is the resulting relationship between Ron and Harry, Ron and Draco, Ron and Neville, and whoever you can think of in addition. Where is he sorted? - Claimed by zainne

69. Hagrid or Professor Trelawny raised Harry.

70. Ron is the oldest Weasley child - either make one of the others Harry's age, or make the others all in even younger years.

71. Phineas Nigellus is Headmaster, instead of Dumbledore, while Harry is at Hogwarts

72. Sirius Black does not run away from home. Regulus Black does.

73. Grindelwald was friends with Aberforth Dumbledore, not Albus.

74. Gilderoy Lockhart is a gibbering wreck; Professor Quirrell is a boastful self-publicist.

75. Molly Weasley finds Tom Riddle's diary in Ginny's cauldron when she gets home from Flourish & Blotts, and puts it aside as extraneous. A few weeks later, feeling a little bored and lonely with none of the kids left at home, she begins to write in it ...

76. Regulus is the elder Black child, in the same generation as the Marauders. Regulus-aged Sirius optional.

77. Fred and George are the oldest Weasley children.

78. Tonks isn't the metamorphmagus in the Black family - Sirius is. Which makes his life on the run after Azkaban oh so much easier.

79. Barty Crouch Jr really was innocent (wrong place, wrong time). Voldemort is forced to rely on his (and JKR's) original plan of having Wormtail impersonate Moody.

80. George dies instead of Fred.

81. Grindelwald dies the Threeway Duel of Doom, instead of Ariana.

Secret Identities and Second Lives

82. Rufus Scrimegour and Argus Filch are the same person (well, you never see them together...)

83. Dumbledore's mother really WAS Kendra the Vampire Slayer.

84. Albus Dumbledore actually is a time-travelling Ron. (See knight to king for more info.)

85. Professor Trelawney has a secret life as either a highway robber or a ninja superhero.

86. Tom Riddle, Jr. and Doris Crockford are actually the same person.


87. What if Slytherin House were closed as a result of the events of Book 7, and only reopened when Albus Severus went to school?

88. Postcards from Dumbledore and Doge's Grand Tour.

89. The ceremony at the Ministry in which Horace Slughorn is given an award for risking his skin in an act of senseless bravery. - Claimed by plaid_slytherin

90. Either Harry, Ron or Hermione is a perky American exchange student, determined to coax the stuffy Hogwarts students out of their fuddy-duddy ways.

91. A wizard's rank in society has nothing to do with blood purity, and everything to do with magical ability.

92. 12 Grimmuald Place isn't located in London, it's located in the Bahamas.

93. There were five Hogwarts founders.

94. What if that unknown spell in the dom had actually killed Hermione.

95. Lily doesn't intervene during Snape's Worst Memory--either someone else beats her to it (Remus? Regulus? Narcissa? the infamous Avery and/or Mulciber?) or she's too busy painting her toenails to notice James and Sirius humiliating her so-called best friend. The dread word that ends Severus and Lily's friendship is never spoken.... - Claimed by enchantedescape

96. After biting Remus, Greyback kidnaps him and raises him himself (as he planned to do with the werewolf children in the present day).

97. Instead of tossing Snape out into the snow after he hears the prophecy, Dumbledore Obliviates him. - Claimed by mrs_batman

98. Rita Skeeter: donkey animagus (or some other form that totally can't be used for spying).

99. Bellatrix et al. only had time to really hurt one of Neville's parents before they were caught. - Claimed by laenij

100. While on his travels, Tom Marvolo Riddle got turned into a werewolf/vampire/other type of creature that one can become.

101. Remus's parents managed to kill Fenrir Greyback...but not before he was bitten.

1o2. While Pettigrew is being his glorified servant at Spinner's End, Snape decides to put aside his animosity and recruit Peter as an ally. How do they join forces to bring down the Dark Lord?

103. Remus convinces Harry to let him join them on their Hunt.

104. After Disapparating, Ron is caught by a much more intelligent and capable group of Snatchers...

105. Snape's first act as Headmaster: cancelling the existance of Gryffindor House.

106. After his wife's death, Xeno Lovegood moves to an all-Muggle islet somewhere in the Pacific with his daughter. They never hear about Voldemort's Second Ascent.

107. Draco finds out he's the Master of the Elder Wand before Harry has the chance to take it.

108. Kreacher's tale was a complete and total lie. Regulus commanded him to tell that lie if anyone ever figured out that Regulus had stolen the locket Horcrux. What really happened to Regulus? Where is he now, and what is he doing?

109. The Resurrection Stone exists. However, in this universe, there are no exceptions to the "magic can't bring back the dead" rule. What DOES the Resurrection Stone do, instead? Is it still coveted? Why? Why not?

110. The Sorting Hat was deliberately destroyed after the war. Now children are put in whichever House has a bed available. How does this affect a world of people who grew up with the notion of Slytherins as sly and cunning wizards who are so susceptible to turning evil and Dark?

111. Muggle technology is the power the Dark Lord knows not. Either someone figures this out during the first war and ends matters then, or it's the real reason Harry had to put up with the Dursleys. (After all, if he grew up in a magic household, how would he ever think to microwave/laser/wrecking-ball/whatever a Horcrux into obliteration?)

112. Dumbledore was wrong, and the prophecy actually points to... anyone but Harry. Use Neville if you want, but further creativity with calendars and the rest of the wording is also good.

113. After PoA, Harry starts pressing Dumbledore for all of the answers, on the grounds that Voldemort's bringing the war to him whether he's 'old enough' or not so he might as well know things before people die unnecessarily.

114. During the first war, someone decides this thing where there's a new Dark Lord every generation or so is no sane way to carry on... and neither is everything returning to the status quo after the Dark Lord's taken care of. Plotting to save the Ministry from itself commences.

115. After Sirius is arrested, Dumbledore uses his clout with the Wizengamot et al. to make sure they've actually got the right person. What happens when they find out in 1981 that Sirius didn't betray James and Lily?

116. Place the whole story a few hundred years later: Hogwarts is actually the/a Starfleet Academy (either in the Star Trek or Starship Troopers universe or just your own, with or without magic).

117. Ariana didn't die; Grindelwald and Dumbledore embarked on their quest for The Greater Good together -- and succeeded. Years later... (either Tom Riddle era or Marauders era or Harry's life) - Claimed by hazy_reflection

118. Dark Arts are taught in Hogwarts - Harry's best subject.

119. Lucius was locked up in Azkaban after Voldemort's first disappearance (the Ministry didn't believe the tale about the Imperius.)

120. Dumbledore allows Dobby to stay with Harry during the summers after his second year.

121. Dumbledore rescues Sirius from Azkaban (knows about Peter's slight) - just like he had rescued Snape - and Sirius and Snape both are teaching in Hogwarts. - Claimed by tptigger

122. Pettigrew is a very powerful wizard who killed 13 Muggles with a single spell and has achieved Animagus transformation. After Voldemort's disappearance, he destroys the Horcruxes and works his way into becoming the new Dark Lord.

123. The goblins are worse than Death Eaters - now here is a goblin revolt that actually succeeds.

124. The Quibbler is published in the Muggle world - there are people who believe in it.

125. Voldemort is abducted by an UFO.

126. Tom Riddle (the memory/Horcrux) manages to revive himself in the Chamber of Secrets. (Obviously Ginny dies but I want Harry to stay alive, either because he didn't even met him or for some other reason). After Harry's fourth year, the original Voldemort also succeeded in getting his body back. Now there are (at least) two Voldemorts. Do they fight each other or ally?

127. After the events of OoP, Dumbledore decides the gravity of the situation outweighs his personal concerns, and actively pursues the post of Minister.

128. Angered by Harry's attempted betrayal, and sensing weakness in the wizarding world, the goblins launch a rebellion immediately following Voldemort's downfall.

129. Hermione does not modify her parents' memories and send them away to Australia.

130. Dumbledore manages to destroy the ring Horcrux without mortally wounding himself.

131. When Lily and James find out Voldemort is targeting them, they go into hiding... in America.

132. Remus was never bitten by a werewolf

133. Harry really did inherit Lily's potions skills. Snape recognizes this early on and feels he should nurture Harry's potion-making abilities.

134. The Hogwarts founders (all or some of them) were descendants of the Peverell brothers. Their dispute arose from a disagreement over the Deathly Hallows (who should inherit them, how they should be used, etc.).

135. The International Statute of Secrecy was written in 1692, but not every wizarding government ratified it.

136. Horace Slughorn intervenes when he finds Tom Marvolo Riddle displaying an unhealthy interest in horcrux-making. Tom Marvolo Riddle flees to the Continent, hotly pursued by Aurors, and joins Grindelwald and the Knights of Walpurgis. (From wemyss's list)

137. Headmaster Dumbledore takes Tom Marvolo Riddle on as DADA professor… to keep an eye on the tricksy wee bugger. (From wemyss's list)

138. The Wand Order Problem was never a ‘flint’: James died after Lily did, casting a paternal blood-ward spell as he died. Harry is placed with someone nearly related to James rather than with Petunia. (From wemyss's list)

139. Young Barty Crouch is not arrested for the attack on the Longbottoms. Barty Crouch, Sr., becomes Minister of Magic and must conceal his son's secret. (From wemyss's list)

140. Once Snape takes charge at Hogwarts, Voldemort decides to use the sword of Gryffindor for a new Horcrux, bringing the total back to six (that he knows of) and completing the set of Founders objects. (Your choice of whether he actually gets the real sword.)

141. Umbridge throws a literal hissy fit at something -- and the locket she got from Mundungus opens ...

142. The prophecy is meant to be interpreted literally -- 'either must die at the hand of the other' means exactly what it says and requires them to use physical violence not spells, which is why their wands never seem to get the job done.

143. What if Snape hadn't called Lily a Mudblood?

144. What if Snape had been bitten by Lupin?

145. Luna manages to foil the attempt to kidnap her and is home when Harry, Ron and Hermione visit Xenophilius.

146. The Deathly Hallows aren't real. A different one (or more) of Xenophilius's ideas are real instead.

147. Fudge listens to Dumbledore's advice after Voldemort returns.

148. Harry is born a girl. Does Voldemort choose the half-blood girl or the pureblood boy? - Claimed by emeraldserpent

149. The Lestranges and Crouch junior attack the Longbottoms but are stopped before they can torture Frank and Alice in to insanity.

150. Place the whole story a hundred years earlier - in 19th century South Dakota.


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