prompts post for august deathly hallows challenge

Jul 23, 2007 08:57

Now that the story is over, the tale is finished, and the series complete, everybody's questions and concerns about every last character and theory have been satisfactorily addressed, and there are no more stories left to tell, right? Right?

Oh, honestly. If you believe that, I have a Crumple-Horned Snorkack in captivity I'll let you see for a dollar.

The final chapter of little Harry Potter's saga has opened the door to countless new fanfiction and fanart possibilities, and we are now collecting prompts for omniocular's August Deathly Hallows Challenge! This challenge is for all stories and artwork relating to missing scenes, alternate points of view, unanswered questions, and post-series speculation concurrent with and following Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

This challenge is a bit more specific in scope than many of our challenges, so let us explain exactly what we mean.

This post and its comments contain spoilers for Deathly Hallows. Consider yourselves warned.

You may submit prompts for stories and/or artwork relating to the events and aftermath of Deathly Hallows, with a few stipulations. These prompts may include missing scenes, canon scenes, stories about what happens between the final chapter and the epilogue, stories about the new generation introduced in the epilogue, back story relating to the many flashbacks, memories, and history revealed in the book, and any number of other things. For artwork, you may also provide prompts for illustrations of canon scenes.

Examples of acceptable prompts:

~ Percy's perspective on the Ministry rebuilding itself after Voldemort's defeat.

~ Shortly after seeing his wee kiddies off on the train to Hogwarts in the epilogue, Harry runs into Luna Lovegood and hears about the latest of many adventures that have occupied the previous nineteen years of her life.

~ What is it like for Teddy to grow up as a multi-colored werewolf pup the orphaned son of parents everybody else remembers fondly but he never knew?

~ The final conversation Regulus Black had with Voldemort before deciding to betray him.

~ A full and complete accounting of Neville Longbottom's 100% pure awesomeness during that awful year at Hogwarts.

~ The perspective of one of the first students Sorted into Slytherin in the school year immediately following Voldemort's defeat.

~ Andromeda searching and listening for news of her fugitive husband.

What you cannot provide prompts for are stories and artwork that change what happened in Deathly Hallows, or that have nothing to do with the seventh book at all. If it's in the pages of the books, you cannot request a story contradicting it... at least not directly. The prompts (and the resulting stories) must fit into the canon of the Harry Potter books, and they must be related to the events of final book, its epilogue, flashbacks, and/or backstory.

Note that this is not at all the same thing as saying that it must conform to Things J.K. Rowling Would Have Written, If Only She Had The Time. There's no fun in that; we're just saying you have to be a bit creative if you want to change things around.

As always, all prompts must be not be about romantic or sexual relationships. These relationships can be present as one aspect of the stories, but they cannot be the central focus. (I too sadly regret the exclusion of all the potentially brilliant Dumbledore/Grindelwald fic, but rules are rules.)

Both omniocular members and non-members can submit and claim prompts for this challenge. You may provide as many prompts as you like, but please read over the previous comments to make sure you're not repeating somebody else's request. If you are specifically prompting for artwork, make a note of it, otherwise we'll lump all the prompts in together for claim by writers or artists. You needn't plan to participate in order to provide prompts, and you don't need to provide prompts in order to claim one next week.

Leave the prompts in a comment or comments on this post; we'll compile them all and post the list for claiming on August 2. If you have any questions, let us know.

Have fun!


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