june challenge: mentors

Jun 02, 2007 10:41

Welcome to the June Mentors Challenge on omniocular!

Below is a list of over one hundred prompts about mentoring relationships in the wizarding world, ranging from parents teaching their children about life to the Dark Lord teaching his minions about taking over the world. The prompts are all very self-explanatory, but if you have any questions about the challenge feel free to ask. Each of these prompts can be claimed for either a story or artwork; the only restriction is, as always, that the work must not focus on romantic or sexual relationships. Besides that, any and all types of stories and artwork are welcome.

The challenge is open to both members and non-members. To participate, leave a comment claiming the prompt of your choice. Each prompt may be claimed only once, and each participant may claim only one prompt at a time. If you have an idea for a mentoring story or piece or art that is not listed as a prompt, feel free to submit that as well.

Members should post directly to the community according to the posting guidelines, whereas non-members can post on their own journals and provide us a link either on this post or via email at omnio_mods @ yahoo.com. (Non-members: Please note the posting guidelines when posting and providing the link, as there is a certain minimum amount of information we must have before linking to your work.)

Here is the list of prompts:

Mentors Challenge Prompts

1. Dumbledore hires McGonagall to replace him as Transfigurations teacher

2. Tonks going through Auror training

3. Flamel and Dumbledore working on the 12 uses of dragon's blood

4. Molly Weasley teaching her boys how to cook, to their great annoyance

5. Wormtail joins the Death Eaters. Who shows him the ropes, as it were?

6. Professor Sprout notices a shy little first year named Neville and takes him under her wing

7. Voldemort chooses a new apprentice: a Hufflepuff

8. Why the Hufflepuffs don't mind that Prof. Sprout pays so much attention to Neville

9. The owner of Zonko's Joke Shop or Gambol and Japes realizes that the young men he enjoyed so much are now his competition

10. Post-war - Harry takes in Death Eater orphans claimed by cruentum

11. Luna takes a little lost first-year under her wing. claimed by darsynia

12. Dobby is joined by another free elf, and shows him/her what to do.

13. Umbridge's pep talk to the Inquisitorial Squad.

14. AU: Severus Snape as godfather to Luna Lovegood and trying to teach her about potions at a young age

15. Post-HBP: Snape's loyalties to Dumbledore have been discovered, and he and Harry are hiding in Muggle London; Snape teaches Harry how to use non-verbal magic and perform Occlumency.

16. Lily arrives at Hogwarts as a first-year: Minerva McGonagall takes her under her wing.

17. Post-Voldemort: a botched spell brings Salazar Slytherin into the future and Severus must show him how to live in the modern world.

18. AU where Lily and James Potter never died: Sirius Black as Harry's godfather and mentor

19. In hiding, Snape tries to teach Draco how to play both ends against the middle.

20. Hagrid gives Grawp an English lesson.

21. Hagrid takes Grawp out to his first garden party.

22. Narcissa Malfoy takes Pansy in hand before the wedding, and sets out to show her how to be a proper Society bride.

23. Dumbledore finally handing over the ropes of DADA to Snape

24. Black Sisters being taught how to be proper ladies claimed by lareinenoire

25. Percy Weasley teaching one of his younger siblings something

26. Voldemort explaining the role of Death Eaters to his original set.

27. Emmeline Vance or other senior female Auror mentoring Tonks (bonus points for overt feminism) claimed by codenamelily

28. Remus mentoring a new werewolf (canon or OC) claimed by gyutto

29. Bill or Charlie mentoring a younger Weasley on... anything, really. Life. Money. Making beans on toast. Dealing with mum. Dating (if it's still Gen). Etc.

30. Professor McGonagall holds an Independent Study class of Transfiguration; Hermione is one (or the only one) of her students.

31. The Hogwarts Owlery: Older school owls teach incoming owls all the tricks of the trade.

32. A young Hagrid explores the Forbidden Forest and comes upon a centaur teaching a sky-gazing class.

33. The Fat Lady is actually a good listener, as one Gryffindor first-year finds out.

34. Fang has had to play host to many young, scared creatures Hagrid's brought home over the years.

35. Prefect/Head Boy Kingsley Shacklebolt notices new first year Nymphadora Tonks, and takes her under his wing

36. Petunia tries to teach pre-Hogwarts-letter Lily about life

37. Mrs. Figg shows a member of the Order how to survive as a Muggle claimed by remarked

38. Either Fleur teaching Gabrielle about her veela power, or their mother teaching Fleur

39. Each of the Four Founders teaching a class (preferably with very different styles)

40. Nicholas Flamel learning about Alchemy from his mentor claimed by lady_clover

41. Lucius teaches a young Draco how to play chess, and instructs him on how chess is a metaphor for warfare

42. Charlie teaches Ginny how to fly

43. Percy's first day on the job working for Barty Crouch

44. Bella and Rodolphus teach Rabastan the finer points of torture

45. Devlin Whitehorn show his new broom designer, Ron Weasley, the ropes of the racing broom business

46. Perkins takes a young Arthur Weasley out on his first raid

47. On his last day as Headmaster, Dippet has tea and biscuits with his replacement, Albus Dumbledore. claimed by coyotegoth

48. James or Sirius helping Peter with his Animagus form. claimed by ladybracknell

49. Snape takes on Hermione as a potions apprentice

50. Nearly Headless Nick helps a new ghost on the finer points of being a Hogwarts ghost

51. Colin teaching Dennis about magical photography

52. Madam Pomfrey teaching Ginny how to be a healer

53. Bellatrix teaches Draco Occlumency

54. Vernon Dursley takes Dudley to the golf course for the first time

55. Ogg the gamekeeper teaches Hagrid about the job

56. Slughorn instructs Tom Riddle in the importance of networking

57. Madam Rosmerta employs a new barman/maid

58. Role reversal. Harry mentors somebody who in canon or other fanfics mentors him (e.g. one of his teachers, or Sirius maybe).

59. Humour. A compulsory mentoring scheme is set up in Hogwarts, and Snape is not happy with the students he is assigned.

60. Dumbledore is Harry's mentor, and must look after him when he is hurt.

61. Severus Snape is secretly godfather to a DA member.

62. Verity's first day at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Bonus point for each WWW product that gets a mention.

63. Post War - Professor Potter, Hogwarts DADA Teacher gives a private lesson to an exceptional pupil.

64. Any member of the Order of the Phoenix tries to teach a fugitive Draco Malfoy how to cast a Patronus.

65. A Death Eater (or Voldemort) teaches Dark magic to Barty Crouch Jr.

66. Theodore Nott has a discussion with his father after his mother's death.

67. A chance conversation between 2nd year pupil Arthur Weasley and the Muggle Studies teacher sparks a lifelong obsession.

68. Luna's father ignites her interest in (supposedly) non-existent creatures and conspiracies.

69. Professor Flitwick teaches a bullied young Ravenclaw how to duel.

70. Snape's approach to teaching was heavily influenced by the former headmaster Phinneas Nigellus.

71. Voldemort shows the naive young Quirrell that "There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it."

72. Prof. Slughorn wants to talk to a reluctant Snape about his succeeding him as Head of Slytherin.

73. Voldemort teaches a young Bellatrix how to cast the Unforgivables. claimed by alyxbradford

74. Remus Lupin teaches Harry how to recognize traces of magic (e. g., what Dumbledore did in the cave to find Voldemort's entrance in HBP).

75. Sometimes the art of Divination skips a generation or two (Cassandra Trewlaney teaches her great-great-grand daughter a few things)

76. Dobby teaches a seminar on how to be A Free Elf

77. It's take your son to work day and Mr. Dursley got saddled with Harry

78. Most mornings Snape finds a sobbing half-blood Slytherin on his doorstep.

79. Bane takes it on himself to teach Umbridge a few things

80. Bellatrix teaches her dear nephew the subtle art of Occlumency

81. Grindlewald meets his match in a young boy with dark hair and a darker heart

82. Nicholas Flamel swore never to touch his alchemy books again, until one day a boy named Albus shows up at his door.

83. Aberforth Dumbledore gets lessons on being Muggle and dealing with goats.

84. During Snape's year as DADA teacher, he offers extended lessons and someone (or some persons) he never expects show up to take them

85. Neville finally understands one of Snape's lessons

86. During Hogwarts, Sirius and Regulus have a talk

87. Percy's lessons on being a proper political spy

88. James tells baby Harry about the ways of the world claimed by paradise_loved

89. The new Slytherin Head of House receives advice (either via letter or Pensieve) from the infamous Severus Snape claimed by dbassassin

90. Petunia helps Lily with a problem

91. Hagrid's fondest memories are with his dad

92. Tom Riddle tutors a younger student

93. Goyle's apprenticeship to Bulgarian wandmaker Gregorovitch

94. Ernie Macmillan, tour guide for the newest Hufflepuff students

95. Millicent Bulstrode explains the facts of life to her teenage son

96. Charlie Weasley teaches Percy how to throw a punch

97. The summer before Hermione goes on The Horcrux Hunt, her father decides that she needs to know how to drive. Hermione's skills at driving a car bear a resemblance to her talent for playing chess.

98. Minerva McGonagall and Tom Riddle, Gryffindor and Slytherin prefects, have to tutor a young Rubeus Hagrid together.

99. Trelawney's scream that interrupted Harry's Occlumency lesson in OotP never happened. Snape answers Harry's remark on Death Eaters.

100. Kingsley Shacklebolt takes Tonks on her first case.

101. Hagrid befriends a frightened first-year who, it turns out, is a werewolf.

102. Rita Skeeter is given an assistant.

103. The Muggle Studies professor takes the class on a field trip.

104. A Hogwarts teacher or Ministry Official answers questions and provides support to Muggle parents of Hogwarts students.

105. A young centaur is taught the ways of the forest and told to avoid the Forbidden Castle.

106. Mr. Ollivander takes an apprentice.

107. The manager at Flourish & Blotts shows a new employee why this isn't like working at any other bookstore.

108. A Healer at St. Mungos, who had either been a fan or a doubter of Gilderoy Lockhart, helps him recover.

109. For whatever reason, and however grudgingly, Argus Filch befriends and mentors a Hogwarts student.

110. A Weasley grandfather (or some other elderly relative) teaches Ron to play chess

111. Newly-appointed Quidditch captain Oliver Wood writes to former star Charlie Weasley for advice

112. Mr. Burke tries to teach his employee Tom Riddle about shopkeeping while suspecting that the young man has other plans

113. Alastor Moody addresses new Auror trainees on their first day of training

114. Voldemort becomes disgusted that his henchmen are repeatedly outsmarted by schoolchildren, so he decides to instruct them in the fine art of being evil.

This list will be open for claiming all month long. The challenge will run through June 30, and we will post a master list of submissions on July 1.

Have fun!


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