Fandoms} 2008 In Review

Dec 31, 2008 22:08

My 2008 in Review when it comes to fandoms. Idea stolen from croakvegas.


Band of Brothers
I rewatched it this year and realized how fantastic this mini-series is. The production value is skyrocket and it is entirely backed up by the acting. How can anyone not love this series? If you're not a big WWII/war fan, you should still watch it. The sense of respect for the real people who were in Easy Company is indescribable.

Battlestar Galactica
There is seriously absolutely nothing wrong with this show. The actors and production are top-notch. It does not feel like you're watching a sci-fi show, instead it feels like these are characters being put through so much shit on an actual planet. The religious undertones make it more fun to watch and the conflict between the humans and the Cylons is not petty and has backing to it.

Gossip Girl
This time last year I was bashing this show. But after I watched it with lady_electrique then I did I start appreciating it. True, the teenage angst can get tiring but watching it for Chuck, Blair, and Dorota make it all the worth while.

One Life to Live
Okay this is sad and pathetic as it is. But this is actual a good quality show. Soap operas have gone past the realm of being cheesy and this is a prime example. The storytelling wanes a little for a lull until it picks up again. Any other American soap that does that please send my way.


The X-Files: I Want to Believe
Okay, so I didn't exactly like it but it's X-Files so it's still on the list. Plus who knew Xzibit could act?

Battlestar Galactica: Razor
I liked that they did this. Before I watched it, I thought Cain was a bitch, but now I understand why she did what she did. The ending was absolutely beautiful in its own twisted way.

Along with X-Files, I didn't exactly think it was the best frakking film this year but it was still good.

The Dark Knight
Possibly the best film I've seen this year! Within 20 minutes, I knew I didn't want to stop it or anything. Plus the picture above is absolute and total love. My thing about the film is where is Harley Quinn?


"Leave Out All the Rest" by Linkin Park
Okay, so it worked for "Twilight". But if you listen closely enough, you'll find that the lyrics are beautiful and makes me almost want to cry. If you've seen the film "The Invisible" then I recommend checking this out. It blends with the film completely.

"Map of Problematique" by MUSE
Absolutely beautiful song and possibly one of my favorites. Done by MUSE so it is awesome. Listening to the lyrics make it even better. Rocking out to it also may cause damage to people which would be bad.

"Viva La Vida" by Coldplay
It might be the most overplayed song on the radio right now; I don't know, I don't listen to the radio. But the lyrics are awesome and the instrumental is deeply inspiring. In my opinion better than "Violet Hill" just because I can't rock out it.

"Who Knew?" by Pink
I don't remember exactly where or how I fell in love with this song but I did. Hard core style. The lyrics are simply telling a story but I think it's Pink's voice that reveal the good angst behind it that I don't imagine teenyboppers of artists today that could convey on a track.


Callum Keith Rennie
I'm sorry but there is not a favorite actor list that I can't leave him out of. He's dimensional and brilliant acting skills and frakking hot. And to think I noticed him only in the past few months.

Jackson Rathbone
I feel regret for never really knowing who he was. Sure, he was the cute guy on "Beautiful People" but after that, nothing. Thank the gods for "Twilight" or I probably never would have realized what a good actor he is.

Trevor St John
To the OLTL writers: Thank you! In my opinion, Trevor is a lot better of an actor than Roger Howarth but then again it was the original. But Trevor brings out the craziness and the pathetic sides to Todd Manning. Then again, I am biased because Roger's scar used to scare the crap out of me when I was younger. Along with the acting skills, Trevor is just hot.

Zachary Quinto
How can you not love him? I mean, he can convey a serial killer so convincingly but then turn out to be the sweetest, nicest guy in the world in real life? Plus, like every other male on this particular list, he's hot.


Ashley Greene
She is the most absolute and perfect Alice hands down! She's very cute in real life and is just made of awesome.

Katee Sackhoff
After Gillian Anderson, Katee is my hero. She's smart and hilarious as hell and her role as Starbuck just makes her even cooler. Why? Well, because I feel like there's a part of Starbuck in her as well and that's why the character is so convincing.

Leighton Meester
Once more, I say you blame lady_electrique. Unfortunately, I thought she was a complete bad things when I first heard of her. Then I started to read interviews and I realized she was such a cool and down-to-earth person. I love her as Blair but I love that she is also the opposite of the character.

Susan Haskell
I knew that watching OLTL would damage me somehow. But watching Susan portray Marty made me love her. The innocence was genuine during the amnesia period and now that the character is seeking revenge, I don't know if I should exactly trust everything that Marty is saying. Signs of a very good performance.


Henry/Clare in 'The Time Traveler's Wife'
I bit obsessed if you can't tell. Anyway, there's something cute about Clare knowing Henry almost her entire life and he only knowing a little bit. It reminds me of the Doctor Who episode, "The Girl in the Fireplace". Just without a fireplace and the age difference isn't as vast. I hope the film is as good as the book. And I can't wait to see Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana as the chrono-displaced couple.

Kara/Leoben in 'Battlestar Galactica'
Okay, I admit it. I was a Kara/Lee fan a long time ago and then thought Lee was a little too safe for Kara. That's when our favorite Number Two comes in. He strangely understands Kara and I think she understands him also but won't admit it. Also, the scenes with Katee and Callum by themselves are electric and very tense.

Sylar/Elle in 'Heroes'
While Seasons 2 and 3 have been an absolute bore, that's where the writers bring in Kristen Bell. Her character is slightly twisted and so the writers bring about numerous tension between Elle and Sylar that culminates into a lot of fanfic and a lot of shippers writing to the writers and fixing their mistakes. I love fandom!

Alice/Jasper in 'Twilight' Series
Most couples in fandom have to do PDA in order to show affection for each other and used as a reassurance to fans. But with Alice and Jasper, all they have to do is look at each other or stand close to each other and they get it.

pic: actors, pic: tv, pic: film, pic: music, pic: pairings

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