Title: The Line is Blurred
spooky_xphileClaim: Treme: Davis/Annie
Table: Custom
Prompt: the line is blurred
Rating: PG
Summary: They hold hands but they're not friends with benefits
Warnings: Spoilers for Season 1 finale
Notes: First Treme fic
They hold hands in public but they're not friends with benefits. Davis wasn't going to take advantage of Annie when she first moved in. He did tell her she was welcome anytime so a friendly notion was in the works. But now the line was blurred between friends, friends with benefits, and something that involved a relationship.
They would hold hands whenever at a show. A quick peck on the cheek whenever one was departing. But unlike friends, there seemed to be more meaning behind it. Then again, they did live together but they still vouched that they were strictly platonic.
Title: Smile
spooky_xphileClaim: Treme: Davis/Annie
Table: Custom
Prompt: smile
Rating: PG
Summary: Annie has different smiles
Warnings: N/A
Notes: N/A
Davis was pondering one day about nothing when he thought of Annie and her different smiles. Okay, he was thinking about boogie woogie and his brain made leaps over buildings to get to Annie.
She had a smile for when she met someone new. One was for tourists after a street performance. A variation of that smile describes her love of music. She had one whenever someone brought up Sonny in a conversation-- an emotion full of uncertainty and concern.
There was even one for him, he noticed. At first, the smile was delivered was nervousness mixed in with a laugh. Now, it was genuine, carefree, and without worry-- just like she had become.
Title: Post-It Note
spooky_xphileClaim: Treme: Davis/Annie
Table: Custom
Prompt: Post-it Note
Rating: PG
Summary: Their way of communicating
Warnings: Spoilers for Season 1 finale
Notes: N/A
It wasn't the best form of communication between the two roommates but they made it work. Davis would joke that if he had won city council then all form of communication wold be on a post-it note, no matter the length.
The sticky pads would be all over the house, used and fresh. Dates of performances they would go to. Annie saying where she would be playing that day if he wanted to stop by. At one point, it would even tell when the other would be getting or if a meet-up at a bar for a drink would be nice.
Title: Hurricane
spooky_xphileClaim: Treme: Davis/Annie
Table: Custom
Prompt: Hurricane
Rating: PG
Summary: Annie was sometimes thankful for Katrina because, in a way, she met Davis
Warnings: Talks about a possible positive aspect of Katrina. Please don't read if you may get offended.
Notes: N/A
As much as the thought sickened her sometimes, Annie was thankful for Katrina because in a way, she was able to meet Davis. This was how her logic went: Katrina caused such a disaster that a lot of the population had to be relocated. New Orleans had an influx of tourists afterward which made her and Sonny able to play, even if it meant in the streets.
She started to get gigs without Sonny and he started his downward spiral. It all culminated when she went to Mardi Gras alone. There she met Davis. Sure, it was twisted and quite a reach but it worked.