(no subject)

Dec 13, 2006 01:11

It might rain tomorrow!! :D It only it would rain at home. ._.

Actually I think I might have just seen lightning out of that window...o_o.

More bus news! Today I was getting on the 411 to get home from the bookstore, and as the bus was coming to a stop I was like 'lol, :3 look at that the bus has tinsel and ecualyptus branches on the dashboard. X3' But I got on. And. It was. AMAZING. Every available space, besides that which you had to touch with your body to stand or walk was COVERED IN TINSEL, and every TYPE of tinsel, in numerous different colours, different sorts, there was christmas trees and santas dangling from the roof and the bars, and there were blinking fairy lights, and it was just amazing and wonderful and it was the best thing to happen to me all day, all WEEK. And WOW. It was so beautiful in that wonderful consumer driven christmas season feeling, and just. Wow.

Uh. Thunder. I...think.

At the bookstore! Damien, the second store manager; I was trying to describe this book to him that I was relaying off of a customer which I couldn't look up since she didn't know the title or the author or ANYTHING and he seems to know every single book in that whole damn store. *takes breath* Yes and it was something about Britain in the future and cloning human body parts and he commented that it sounded like Ghost in the Shell and I was like 'you like annnnnnime :D' and he said to me: 'With an enthusasim most oftenly displayed by prebucenst teenage boys, which a 30 year old married man shouldn't himself display.' And I was like 'LOL naaaaaaaaaaaaaah xD'.

Rob, also, who I work with in the bookstore. I discovered he is a musician, and is the lead singer and guitarist in a band, and he actually found my snare drummming in a pipe band cool! FINALLY. SOMEONE. T_T <33

The steak house tonight was BUSY and that was just mean and unfair. D:

MY MOTHER. Well. I'm going to have to tell the steak house that I can't work one shift next week because the bookstore is killing for me to work. I actually tried to tell the bookstore no, and then it managed to make me say yes and yeah I'm a push over. T_T So to telling the steak house about not working; mama said to me 'don't be afraid to lie!'. I was like. Uh. Mama. Come again. >>;;

No well I was thinking that I'd insert some sort of white lie to justify myself to the steak house since they don't know I have a second job and I don't want them to. << They'd kill me. D: That's one thing I dislike about the steak house; it's so PERSONAL with the owners. Eeeek. Anyhow. My mother was suggesting lies to me and she just cracks me up. >>;;;;;;;



They want to make everyone looking for Australian citizenship to take a test. Barnaby Joyce is weird. :\ Well...besides his name, I mean. I would have thought the main issue with such a test would be it being potentially racist, which is being talked about, but no, he's concerned that it wouldn't prevent insane persons becoming citizens. >> Pfffft another thing about Barnaby is he's from St George. Which is a pretty big, but still a very rural country town out in the middle of NOWHERE. I live about 6 hours more out in the middle of no where from St George, but St George would be about 8 hours from Brisbane already...ANYHOW. I've been to his house. >> And he's the only rural politician in federal government, I think. Which is kinda a big thing, considering the state and federal governments as a general rule ignore the rural citizens. We only take up a great proportion of the voting populace. =_=

YEAH THAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT ENTIRE...heheheheeh. But yeah. A test? Let's see what I can remember from the tv...no actual questions have been released, but it will be a multiple choice test in which they will test English skills, knowledge of Australian values (WhateverTF they are defined as being >>), the Australian way of life, society, culture and history. Stuff like the constitution, and history of white settlement. Uh. WOULD I PASS THIS TEST? << Lordy. I didn't know such things as Australian values were defined; they are talked and quoted about a lot though. xD And it has been scientifically proven that Australia DOESN'T HAVE A CULTURE. But to think about it, what would it achieve? In my thinkings, which hasn't been that much, mind you, it seems like it will mostly likely mainly fail non English speaking persons. But I do agree that this is an English speaking country, so...

Well I've had issues with Christmas being outlawed and all that in state schools and etc because of minority religious communities. :| This is a CHRISTIAN COUNTRY. Am I being ignorant? I don't know. I don't think chrisitanity is better than other religions. No one's religion is better than anothers. D: But. The majority is Christian...and...T_T I missed not being able to give my primary school teachers Christmas cards dammit. ;_; Anyhow. I'm not getting into that. :| That was when I actually did thee whole Christmas card thing...>>

Heh. I'm a hypercrite. This I know.


It all has to do with the fear of the invastion of other nationalities and races and religious denominations and whatever else you would call people to divide them, and the loss of how Australia is. It really is truely out there. Hmm.

Here comes back to the point that Australia doesn't have a culture to lose, but there you go.

Uh. Why am I talking so much about my country. ._.

Okay. Here is something about NEW ZEALAND.
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