Nov 12, 2006 02:37
I've just come back from my friends' cocktail party, for her 18th. I was great! Except. They all went out. Thus why I was escorted back home. T_T GAH. Still seventeeeeeeeeen. x_x TWO MORE WEEKS DAMMIT.
Yes. The cocktail party was good. Mandeville had her dad and her step-dad behind the bar, and they made our cocktails; they renamed them all so they were all Laura-themed. XD So cool. Everyone looked nice and cocktail-ish XD. Gah. Except I was made to wear a dress. D: Now. I never wear dresses. The last dress I wore was at my formal over a year and a half ago, and it was red and ankle length and that my mama convinced me into. For my semi I wore a black pant ensemble thing; which is what I would normaly wear at formal functions. I just don't like skirts and dresses; don't think I look any good in them anyway. But. I was convinced into this black and white dress...u.u I have no will power. >[
I tried every single cocktail! There was only...six. And they were yummy and fruity. And Wu tied heaps of helium balloons together and then to ME. People could look to me and see which way the wind was blowing, at least?
Two housemates leaving this week! ;_; We are having our house-traditional Swedish meatball dinner tomorrow night, and then we have to do a big cleaning of the entire house for an inspection. n_n Such things make me nervous. D:
It makes me wonder what I'm going to do for mine. My birthday. Gah. x_x. Or what I want; I've been asked this question and I have NO IDEA.
Speaking of birthdays, hope you have a happy one Laur~! :DDD
ETA: Can anyone teach me how to take photos with my camera that are NOT fuzzy. n_n
Gah I forgot it was Remembrance Day. -_-;