Okay, for all you Star Wars fan types! A real find here! Living proof that George Lucas has enough money to pay off the media into giving credibility to a pair of really milquetoast or downright crappy prequels! Straight from MSN, its...
The Top 10 Moments of All Time from the Star Wars Saga to Date!(...or at least the top seven, we were paid to put in at least one more from Attack of the Clones, and we were threatened with hideous law suits from Lucasfilm if we ever even printed the words "star" and "wars" again within different articles within a 6-month period of time if we didn't blow two spots immediately on the Phantom Menace to validate it's abominable existance as a necessary (phhhwaHAHAHAHAHAAA! *ahem* sorry about that...) story tidbit, and to placate George's egocentric denial complex and further mindless Darth Maul geekdom worldwide!)
Cheers, and I'll see you all at the showing of Revenge of the Sith this week, 'cause I can't risk it not being an awesome film, despite historical precidence to the contrary, or the idea of not having seen all the Star Wars films ever made, 'cause I'm a hopeless SW Geek from way back... Sad, isn't it?