Well, that's finally over until the movie comes out. I will admit to being the tiniest bit curious about the movie, but as far as I'm concerned, S2 ep 25 was the end. About time too, I've been feeling an increasingly strong urge to vent my frustrations.
Okay, first things first. 50 episodes and over a year later, and I still can't stand the sight of this show. It's just so. freaking. ugly. I was hoping I'd get used to it at first, but it's only gotten worse. I wish I could force myself to ignore it, because there are some character designs that look positively gorgeous in fanart, but it's just too damn hard. Between the criminal colour combinations, the cringeworthy shades said colours come in, the animation style and the lifeless way everything moves, it's all I can do to keep my eyes on the screen so I know what's going on.
Fair warning: I'm not going to lighten up under the cut. ^_^ I AM VENTING, RANTING, AND IN GENERAL BEING VERY BIASED. In fact, judging from everything that's underneath here, I seem to think I could have done G00 ten times better than what it turned out as. Now how did that happen?
Oh, there will be SPOILERS, of course.
Second issue of the day: Celestial Being is composed entirely of morons. Seriously? Four years and they didn't manage to find a single new pilot, no new strategian/captain, and only one new bridge bunny? Seriously? *dies laughing* They SERIOUSLY needed Setsuna to finally bring in replacements - in the form of Neil's twin (who has no idea what's going on, has questionable loyalty, and isn't even supposed to be that good a fighter), whatever was left of Allelujah after four years of atrophying away in a straight jacket, and good old Sumeragi, who had by then descended into full-blown depression and was drinking so much that even faithful lapdog Billy couldn't keep up with the number of bottles. But the icing on this cake of fail has got to be that at one point, Lasse is complaining about how hard it is to pilot the ship right now that Lichty's gone, only for us to be shown the CB home base some time later... WHERE WE FIND DOZENS OF PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN CB MEMBERS. YEAH, IT MUST HAVE BEEN SO HARD TO FIND NEW CREW MEMBERS FOR THE BATTLESHIP. EVEN THE HEADQUARTERS IS SOOO UNDERSTAFFED, RIGHT? I'm torn between stunned disbelief, *point and laugh*, and "THE STUPID, IT BURNS, IT BURNS!".
And that's not even going into the way they treated everyone who was brought back. Let's start with Allelujah. He spent the four years of the time skip emprisoned - in solitary confinement, no less, with Hannibal Lecter levels of security measures, straightjacketed and muzzled and tied to a chair and I don't know what else. By all means, he should be a human wreck. I'm willing to grant him the physique he maintained because of the whole super-soldier modification bla bla background thing, but mentally and emotionally? No. No way in hell. He didn't even have Hallelujah to keep him company. You ain't telling me that a guy who's already so screwed up would come out of those four years completely unchanged. They just put his personality on hold for four years and only booted him up again when the cameras started rolling for the second season. HUMAN DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY. *wants to strangle some sense into whoever came up with this*
(Strangely though, this has done nothing to lessen my liking of him. I just missed Hallelujah. :( )
Sumeragi is a similar story, though my problem with what they did to her has more to do with the fact that what we saw at Billy's place strongly suggests that she'd started drinking enough to be rendered chronically mentally and physically crippled, and none of that is ever followed through on. The bottles, slurring and unsteady gait were apparently just a cheap trick to get sympathy from the viewers without having to deal with more realistic consequences than a period of low self esteem, pessimism and frigging fainting spells, characterisation wise. Grr. Gimme back my fun-loving S1!Sumeragi, damnit!
(The movie doesn't exist yet. XP ) I also love *takes a moment to savour the sarcasm* how they have just about the entire plot (at least for S2) hinging on Tieria's being unaware of his Innovator-ship, and then never explain anything about where he came from and how the frack it's possible that he doesn't have a friggin' clue. (Ha! F-F-F, and not a single fornication.) Aside from the superiority complex he had at the start, they never acknowledge his origins at all! Because it makes sense, right? Humans are conceived through sex, born from a female carrier after nine months of internal development and grow on from babies to toddlers to kiddies to teens to adults at a steady, predictable pace. And Tieria has always been soooo much like all the other humans around him in that respect, not to mention his mind-machine linking tricks. Of course he wouldn't have noticed anything was off, let alone wondered about it!
And then... Lyle. How LAME can you get? Replace the dead lead character with his identical twin? YEAH, GREAT IDEA. Uhm, NO. But you know what, I'm not wasting any words on this guy. It's not even that I was terribly fond of Neil and/or dislike Lyle's character, but there are just no words to describe the humongous DO NOT WANT that his introduction constituted. Feldt turning into Lockon II because of her history with Lockon I would have been a thousand times more interesting to me than anything Lyle ever did, that about sums it up. I'll get to that thing with Anew later.
Having the Memento Mori halfway through was a bad, bad idea too. Memento Mori II was worse. Am I supposed to be intimidated by an asteroid laser somewhere in space that isn't even pointing at anything important, while there've already been two that were? Really? Why? Because it's the finale? *face vault* That was... kind of a huge let down, you guys. Seriously.
Also, Aeolia's plan. Allow me a moment to laugh myself blue in the face. *does so* Thank you. Aliens? Well, points for creativity, I suppose. But see, this is a problem. G00 makes me laugh in places I am definitely not supposed to. Whenever this show opens up the drama tap, I get hit on the funny bone. Tieria's "Ore wa... *sob* boku wa... *sniffle* watashi wa... *BAWL*" in S1 continues to crack me up to this day.
Well, now that that's out of the way, I'm going to complain long and hard about the rest of the cast. There were a lot of characters doing a lot of nothing, and it left me with a lot of "professional" rage at what I saw as many mountains of potential, wasted on the drawing out to yawn-worthy proportions of overrated tripe. And with that I mean that the main storylines quite simply failed to appeal to me, while very very minor ones kept grabbing my attention. Nice going, show. ^_^
Saji and Louise bored me. The end. They were too unfunny and unsympathetic and wasted too much screen time in S1 for me to care for them in this season.
Wang Liu Mei and Hong Long. Uh... what? She's pissy about having to take over as head of the family business because her brother is a halfwit, so she finances a bunch of batshit terrorists so they'll pick a fight with the world and do god knows what to the political landscape? Are we supposed to see logic in that? Or in the ridiculous amounts of screen time wasted on them, compared to their almost non-existent and even more negligible contribution to the plot?
I actually don't have any complaints about Klaus. He did his job, filled his role, and didn't waste time angsting. Same with Shirin, though she seemed to have so little purpose in the organisation I'm left to wonder why she was still in this season at all. Having her as Katharon's leader with Klaus as her boytoy-subordinate would have been preferable. *decisive nod*
I was similarly neutral abut Kati and Patrick, and then they got married. And I had the same face Kati had. "Oh geeze, if you weren't so cute..."
Then Andrei. Sergei's embittered, estranged son. Okay. Fair enough. But why was he in the show? I'm sure there were people who thought he was interesting, but he just felt very very useless to me. The overarching plot could have been a lot tighter, less cluttered and aimless, if he had never appeared on screen. All he did was breathe down Louise's neck to no effect whatsoever, provide some bullshit commentary that girls with slender wrists shouldn't be on the battlefield*, and kill Sergei.
What was the point of those first two? His crush could have been left out without changing a single thing about the progression of the story, and a bunch of nameless, faceless, gossiping redshirts could have gotten the Louise Is In A Bad Place message across just as easily - and without wasting so much screen time and viewer attention. Sergei's angsty past could have been been revealed with similar ease by showing hints of the broken relationship some other way. Maybe have him make room for Soma and coming across some old things of Andrei's, making him think about how it went wrong with him and how he wants to do a better job with Soma. Stuff like that. We would have known Andrei and Holly existed, without having the show get bogged down by yet another minor character. And as far as Sergei's death is concerned, I would personally have been more impressed if Soma had gone off in a rage against the world as a whole and had to remember to appreciate life the way Marie does, even if it's unfair sometimes. Andrei being the killer adds a personal element, and some intensity, maybe, but really? It was just another personal revenge story this way. Never seen those before, have we Neil, Louise, Nena, Graham?
*Louise shouldn't have been in A-Laws, that's not the point. The point is that she shouldn't have been in A-Laws because she was traumatized and on psychotropic drugs, NOT because she was A GIRL WITH SLENDER WRISTS. *breathes some fire in the general direction of the patriarchy*
Marina is another one of those characters whose only real importance seems to have been dependant on another, more prominent character. She gets caught up in CB's affairs and influences Setsuna. And since her Azadistan/babysitter-for-Katharon storyline is only tangentially related to the main CB one, that concludes her involvement in the main story. She doesn't get influenced in return. She doesn't develop as a character because of her encounters with CB. She is a tool - the carrier of an ideal - and gets only as much development as is needed for that purpose. And all the Azadistan and babysitting stuff was really just not interesting. I felt sorry for her because of how miserable everything she did failed and all, but in the end, she was more pathetic than sympathetic. She took up a whole lotta screen time and didn't give nearly enough back. That episode where she tells Setsuna she knows she's not really suited to be a princess came none too soon, because her non-contribution was starting to get on my nerves just as much as Saji and Louise's did in S1.
Part of the problem is probably that if you're gonna be a pacifist princess who loses her country, sings, takes care of children, ideals some sense in to the main angstypants's head and has a water-related name, you have Relena and Lacus's standards to live up to. x) Now, Omnicat's Relena Standard is by definition impossible to live up to, and the reason I like Lacus might sound rather strange to most of her fans, but even so, Marina just falls short. Metatextual failure. Poor thing.
On a more serious note, I am really conflicted about that scene in the woods, where she refused to take Shirin's gun. Disliking violence? Great. Not backing down about this? Even better. Providing no counter-options or ways to make your ideals a reality, or do anything at all to stand up for youself? Pity, it makes you rather unproductive, but it's not a capital offense. But refusing to do anything to protect innocent children? NO. TEN TIMES NO. Maybe I'm over-reacting, but all I can think of when I see Marina now is one of Relena's lines: "Only dictators sacrifice lives." No ideal is ever worth a life not voluntarily given. A pacifist should be the first to realise that.
Anew. Real shame. She had an interesting concept, and her colour scheme was a bit less grating than that of the other Innovators. But having her romance with Lyle develop during a timeskip was a huge cop-out. Was I supposed to care about what happened to Named Redshirt the Umpteenth? Was I supposed to feel sorry for Lyle for losing Mook the Somanyeth, whom we didn't see him interact with beyond "Hey babe, my name's Lyle, what's yours?" and "Bye babe, love ya."? Yeeeeeeaah.
Speaking of cheap tricks, Nena Trinity knows one too, don't you Nena? Sane enough to sit out years of hatred and disgust serving the people who killed her family, but so unhinged that a little boredom is enough to randomly blow up weddings and molest little boys? Ha ha, very funny. I am not willing to let such glaring inconsistencies off the hook for characters with so little development.
Okay, who's left? Ali should have died halfway through S1, he's annoying. MISTER BUSHIDO makes me facepalm. What the bleep were they thinking keeping those walking corpses alive for so long? The point, what was it?!
Vasthi family? Meh. I wish Mileina had a less ugly character design, and that G00 bothered to make their comic relief actually funny, but, meh. Oh, right, Setsuna and the Innovators.
Needless to say I found Setsuna's involvement with Marina kinda dubious. And his moments with Saji boring. And the people skills he acquired during the time skip a cop-out. Part of me resents him for getting all kinds of juicy scenes Heero never had, but another part of me feels kinda smug that Heero is still ten times more awesome than Setsuna, even without the juiciness.
I have nothing to say about the Innovators. Absolutely nothing. WELL DONE, SHOW.
Phew. Getting that out felt good. I should do this *HUFF PUFF* RAAAAANT! thing more often, I feel so relaxed now!
Please note that nothing in this post counts as reasoned argument, or just even "reasonable". I'm not all that interested in a discussion that would require such things. XP
And I actually don't hate this show as much as the above makes it sound I do. The systematic way this show gave interesting concepts a boring execution, neglected the leftover potential that heaped up in every corner, and let the vast majority of its storylines starve and waste away because keeping alive other storylines took too much screen time, was frustrating and infuriating and RAGE-worthy. I guess the crux of it all is that I feel cheated out of a good story. G00 could have been pretty awesome, but instead it gave me "*yawn*, are we done yet?". But I did keep watching to the end. And although two of the three reasons I had for that (1 - It's gundam, and I am on some crazy quest to master the entire gundam franchise. 2 - G00 cheated by making its previews seem as if the next episode would be filled with interesting and awesome, which then turned out to take up no more than a few minutes. 3 - There are some things I like.) aren't necessarily a compliment to the show, it was enough to balance out... well, all of the above. In S1, I enjoyed Sumeragi, Allelujah/Hallelujah, and Feldt. In S2, I enjoyed Feldt, Soma/Marie and Allelujah x Marie.
Kindly allow me a moment to squee for these babies of mine.
Well. That wraps up that show. I never thought I'd say this, but goodbye canon! I'm moving in with fanon. See ya!