FIC: For Now, The Birds [Universal Century/Gundam Narrative, Jona]

May 31, 2020 02:39

Title: For Now, the Birds
Author: Omnicat
Spoilers & Desirable Foreknowledge: Gundam Narrative
Warnings: Canon character death, survivor’s guilt with suicidal thoughts.
Characters & Relationships: Jona & the memory of Rita & Michele
Summary: When he closes his eyes, he never knows if he’ll find that miraculous light or just more darkness. That’s why he went to live near a park. // 100 words
Author’s Note: Enjoy!

For Now, the Birds

Starting over is easier said than done. The question of ‘why bother?’ never quite goes away. Somewhere in the back of his mind, tiny-tinier-tiniest but never entirely gone, is a terrible temptation he doesn’t dare speak aloud.

Instead, Jona takes to feeding birds and telling them all about his days - the bad, the okay, and the rare highlights - vacillating wildly between survivor’s guilt and knowing they’d be glad for his freedom.

Bereft and broken young, yes; but not trapped in a gilded cage of fear and remorse, nor cut apart and burned up for strange powers.

Someday. But not yet.

char: jona basta, fic/eng: uc gundam, fic/eng: uc gundam - gundam narrative, type: word-counted drabble

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