I don't get it

Mar 24, 2010 14:34

The brainwashing! CNN posted a story to Facebook about the judge that said a highschool violated a lesbians rights when it prohibited her from taking her girlfriend to the prom.

What bothers me are the comments. I'm not going to claim to know everything in the bible, or what appears where. I'm also not going to claim to know every in and out of the government. What bothers me is the people who have been brainwashed into thinking that they know everything they need to know, refuse to learn beyond the limitations set by what brainwashed them, and are completely content with that.

Allow me to explain:

I'm not even talking wild new-age Micheal Moore nonsense either. Mr. Moore claims in "Bowling for Columbine" that only the 'scary' stories are reported, as opposed to the 'meaningful' ones (crime story, vs. a smog story is what he compares in the movie). He says that when people are scared, they're more likely to buy the comforting products that are offered during the commercial breaks. I find that brainwashing concept a little hard to believe... while there may be something to his idea, I don't think the media world is coordinated enough to have that happen intentionally. There are a lot of those government-media consipiracy theories that they're attempting to brainwash us... and its really a tough sell.

Whats not a tough sell is religion. Aside from the fact that some religions blatantly made up (Mormons and Scientology come to mind), some of them can help people find hope and comfort when they need it. Its why so many elderly go to church... geriatric depression; they want to believe that there is someplace for them when they die.

What isn't OK is when people use religion as a blind defense. Aside from the tired argument that the Bible is against homosexuality (which is easily defeated by the fact you have to cherry pick morals from the bible to say that), you often get the "This is a Christian Country" argument. Even if I ignore that non-acceptance isn't actually Christian at all, its pretty easy to defeat the "Cristian Country" argument, too. The most comment defenses, as used in the comments to that CNN article, are "In God we Trust" and "under God". Unfortunately those were added within the past 75 years.

There really isn't any valid argument against homosexuality, other than "I'm ingnorant and afraid". And I really don't understand how people just refuse face that. They don't do the rather simple research. I just don't understand how they're so... brainwashed that even with an infallible argument, you can't change their mind.

Loosely related, I recently had an brief argument with someone over healthcare. They said that it is illegal to force someone to buy anything  (referring to the requirement that everyone has to buy health insurance). I don't know enough about law to say whether or not its true. I suppose if someone told me that long time ago, I might be inclined to believe it... but it takes only a little critical thinking to realize that everyone who owns a car is required to buy insurance. If thats legal, than its more than likely that requiring healthcare is legal as well. Unfortunately, this person refused to see that... and recited something that sounded like a Republican script.

Why do people believe the first thing they're told, and close the door to all other options? I just don't get it.
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