
Oct 15, 2007 23:51

when i was 5 years old, i had chicken pox. it itched. a lot. and even though everyone told me not to, i scratched. i couldn't help it. it itched so bad. 20 years later, i can still remember how bad it itched. well, unfortunately i had a chicken pock on my face and i scratched it a lot. my mom told me that if i scratched, i'd get a scar and it would be there forever. but what does a 5-year-old know about scars and forever? so i scratched that one hard.

20 years later, i have a very noticeable scar right, smack between my eyes. usually i don't notice it, but today i looked in the mirror and it popped out at me. it is especially prominent today. my mom has brought up the possibility of having something done to get rid of it. i think it would actually be botox. but i don't want to put that in my face. i kinda like the scar. but the fact that it's right between the eyes, dead center, that's not so pretty. i wonder if people notice it right away when they see me.
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