(no subject)

Mar 08, 2005 09:33

Ah well... its been a while since I updated, and friends were telling me to update.... so yea. I'll update. :)

So I finally am in the US again. After a lot of bickering from my school.... they paid me, but not the full pay. They "withheld money for phone bills" for a phone I don't have... and they KNOW I don't have... about 250 dollars a month!!!! I was pretty mad but they refused to let me leave the country, so they said, if they didn't have the money, and at that point I just wanted to go home. Just another reason not to trust a Korean business I guess.

Then spent about 30 hours traveling and arrived in my state very exhausted (saw "The Incredibles" twice though... LOVE that movie!), was greeted at the airport by my sis and- surprise- Sharon! THat was cool. I changed and washed up in the restroom at the airport, since I hadn't had a hot shower in about a week and a half (school didn't want to pay for me to have hot water-or heating-or anything at all). THen we trooped out to the car. Sharon had a bag of bar-b-q potato chips (my FAvORITE) waiting in the car for me and sis and Sharon had a great time laughing at me as I hugged and drooled and dove into those chips. Hee. I missed America. ;-)

So we drove home. Mom and Dad didn't know I was coming! Sis and Saron went in, mom and dad thought they'd just gone out to dinner while Sharon was visiting. But sis said something like, "We brought something back for you," and they probably assumed it was food or something. Then I stepped inside, and my mom saw me... she screamed and jumped up and ran to me and held me and started crying. SHe was really worried about me in Korea. Dad just stared at me, shocked. Oh yea, my brother and his new wife were there, so i gave them their wedding gift- a very nice set of chopsticks. Only I realized afterwards that I gave them the wrong set, the mis-matched set. *sigh* I called them and they understood so I'll swap that soon, sometime this week. Anyway, then my friends Gecko and MacD called and wanted to come see and welcome me home, and Gecko brought his brother, and it was very cool chatting with them and nice to be welcomed home. :) Great to be back.

Saturday I just did a lot of stuff with the family, and in the evening went "line dancing" with the guys. As in, I watched and said, "woah." Definitely not easy! I'm a klutz. :) But me and Gecko are thinking to take lessons, it looks like a fun hobby. I might do martial arts on Saturdays too to help get in shape again. Wow so exciting!!! Lots to do here.

Yesterday I went to church. Then came home and read and installed stuff on my computer... btw, sims 2 sucks. Maybe its just the DVD version, but it sucks. I'm going to take it in and see if I can change it for the cd version. Grrr just annoys me to no end. I was so excited and it sucks.

Then I spent like the whole evening sleeping. Got up early on Monday (today) to drive sis to work but our nerves with each other were short (we soooo dont get along). Its snowing and supposed to get icy, kind of ruined my plans to take my resume a few places to get a job. Wss supposed to go line dancing with Gecko, too. Blah.

So things I still need to do... I'm going to get a "Pay as you go" phone for now to be my phone till I go to Colorado and work things out there. I need a car, storage, and get dresses made for my bridesmaids. And lots of other things that fit into those needs. Sigh. At least I'm in the US again. :)

Okay so that's my update. :) More personal stuff later. ^_^

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