"like recurring dreams"

Jan 20, 2022 15:01

New tattoo!  Dandelions and ferns on the side of my left (unsurgeried) knee, wrapping around the back, which is not an area I suggest getting tattooed.  Or, I mean, do what you want, having tattoos anywhere is awesome, and I'd probably do it again in a heartbeat, as long as the heartbeat was more than three days from now.   It's a bit of a mindfuck to be limping again, even if it's a different leg, but the tegaderm will be off in a couple days, and their work was fineline enough that it'll heal quick.

I have a strong desire to show people, without really having anyone to show it to, and this corresponding desire to have new opportunities to be naked because I like showing off my tattoos, and I'm getting to the point where there's a bunch of them.  And I'm not 100% certain what they all imply about me, but sometimes I think I like whatever it is.

They praised me for how well I was sitting, and I'm sure some of it was client management, telling someone they're good at something tends to get them to do more of it, but I also felt like a little bit of a badass and, well, praise - gods am I praise-hungry.  But also, I'd love to think of myself as someone who can power through.

Also, I paid for someone's art and labor, and now I get to carry it around on me for however long my skin is a thing that exists and capitalism is weird, yo.

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