The Ride You Take Yourself On

Mar 13, 2006 05:11

The ride?

Oh, right.

Which ride? Which driver? Would you like a laundry list of the men in my life who have taken me on a "ride"? Should I start with my father, my brother and Xan?

How about my first husband? That was an expensive ride.

Second hubby...that was a painful ride. That one was like getting on the freeway, going the wrong way.

Lovers? Yes. I've been ridden hard and put up wet, thank you. Not discussing that.

Oh, but I have to say that the best ride of all is the one that so called "friends" take you on. Fake friends who use you for a moment of fun or trying to get in with someone else, or who want to just drain you of affection and trust before they toss you aside like some used styrofoam coffee cup. The driving lesson and rules of the road I learned from these "friends" is that 99.9% of the emotions that people tell you are just lies. Nothing you share with those people is sacred or valued. They're just vampires, sucking the love and trust, the faith and friendship, right out of your soul. Then they run off to whatever hole they crawled out of, and they point and laugh at how foolish you were for trusting them. Worse, they turn it around and make it look like you were the one who betrayed them. Even when they sit there holding your heart in their hands, they still bleat and whimper about their bewilderment.

Believe me, the ride that "friends", especially male "friends", take me on have been expensive and painful. And I still get in for the next ride. See...I'm just a moron that way. I have absolutely no ability to read men at all. I have no positive male figures in my development to be able to measure the worth of a man by. I think Nick is a good, decent and loving man. If I'm someday proven wrong, it would shock the hell out of me. But I think Nick is possibly the exception. I pray he is. Brad...there's another exception. There's a handful of other men who haven't screwed me over.

*sigh* It always shocks me, you know. The blow. The double cross. The lies. The leaving. And no matter what you give, or how you try to forgive and heal the wound, it always stays right there on the surface.

I feel raw, these days. I feel like too many men have tied me to the back of their shiny cars and dragged me through the gravel and muck, and left me raw bleeding. And I believe that men, with very few exceptions, are genetically incapable of true friendship. Especially with women. I don't understand why. But I know, without a doubt, that it's true.

Or maybe I just have terrible taste in people I trust.

Women drivers...we can't see the trash in the road. We're too busy trying to keep control.

Carolina Jacks
Original Fiction
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