A Little Less Conversation...

Dec 24, 2006 18:53

What could she say? When the cat is away the mouse will play. Tuesday night and the parents still weren't back. If this'd been her real house she an' Chris would be throwin' what he'd call 'A bitching party.' As it was, you know being dead and all, she really couldn't call up the gang so she'd just have to make do with what she had.  Like that banister.

A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation aint satisfactioning me

Dressed only in her long night shirt and black socks, down she went. Sliding down the banister, gliding through the hall ways, then up, right over the piano that has just arrived yesterday. Aw yeah, that's the stuff. She had some time 'till Randy showed up again. No idea how much, but still enough time to cut a little loose.

A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark

Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby

Damn those speakers were good. How did she live without them? Oh yeah, she wasn't really living with them now. Heh. Had to die to get to heaven, right? Dancing through the living rooms, singing at the top of her lungs, grooving across hard wood in near frictionless socks; damn empty houses were nice.

Baby close your eyes and listen to the music
Drifting through a summer breeze

Its a groovy night and I can show you how to use it
Come along with me and put your mind at ease

Been a good coupla days. First the Christmas shopping and party (even if it ended pretty crazy) A night on the town, then a quick phone call earlier and another night in comin' up. It was nice having the family home and everything, but she'd forgotten how much she loved her independence. And getting laid. That had been nice too. Skidding through to the TV. Movies tonight. Or at least movies in the background.

Dont procrastinate, dont articulate
Girl its getting late, gettin upset waitin around

Had some homework to do. Would get right on it, soon as she had to go back to being the good girl. Not that she minded, was nice to have somebody to impress again. Kinda weird, how good it was to have somebody to make proud of you,. Even if they went all weir devery now and again. Well maybe not weird, but sulky-emo-wanna-throw-myself-in-the-sun and crazy-I'm-gonna-rip-your-fcking-head -off kinda thing. Whatever, things happen. Nobody's perfect.

A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation aint satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark

And ding-dong, the boy-toy's here. Time for one more night of fun before the folk are back. Maybe a bitchin' party's not that far fetched.

krista (vampire)

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