My livejournal shows a rather sharp discontinuity around 2008. Two things happened:
1. I joined facebook. This was ultimately the end of my livejournal posting as facebook was a much more satisfying place to get those little bits of dopamine.
2. For some reason, I remember another thing that make LiveJournal not quite so much fun. in 2009, the Obama administration decided it would be a good idea to make everything all transparent-like by posting everything on LiveJournal. I subscribed, and before too long, my livejournal feed seemed like not much more than a bunch of boring government reports.
the rest, as they say, is history.
Facebook has now argualbly taken over all of our lives, and its nearly impossible to escape, as noted in this article that I just read So what do I miss about LJ? i miss reading the actual thoughts of actual people I know, or would like to know. Livejournal is more about making original content and sharing it than reposting links. This is different from Facebook, which has become not only nonverbal (posting pictures are more the order of the day) but also with little engagement.
I don't expect anything to change if i start writing on my livejournal. Nobody will ever read it, probably, unless i come to folks' attention for some reason. It's a old and deprecated name, few remember that i used it, and very few of my friends are still here (Hi Trevor!)
anyways, we'll see where this goes. I know my password again, so...