June HPKCHC Classes

Jun 23, 2011 17:31

Care of Magical Creatures: Fire Crab
Option 1: Create a jewel-like item to represent the Fire Crab’s bejeweled shell. Think jeweltones, beads, and other bright, shiny objects!
Option 2: Create an alternative “Cauldron” so pretty or unique that a witch or wizard would rather use YOUR creation than harvest a Fire Crab shell! Not all cauldrons are round and black - come up with your own container that a witch or wizard could use to mix a spell or carry potions ingredients.
Option 3: Protect yourself from the Fire Crab’s defense! How would you protect yourself from being burned by the Fire Crab’s bum-of-fire? Use your imagination!

Crochet / Knit / Weave: Select a pattern and follow it unerringly. When you turn in your item, please link the Ravelry pattern page to facilitate the verification process, as well as your personal project page.

Dye: Follow a specific dye regimen that you can cite via link. This may be an off-Ravelry page but must be accessible to anyone (no closed communities). Please remember to include photos of your process or a detailed description.

Spin: Attempt to duplicate a millspun yarn. We acknowledge that your handspun yarn will be superior to the commercial yarn you select to duplicate, and that many of the subtleties may be difficult to communicate. A sample of the commercial yarn is not required, but if you do have a sample, a side-by-side image is encouraged. Please link the Ravelry yarn page of the type you duplicate for comparison purposes.

Option 1: “Only the difference between truth and lies, courage and cowardice”- craft something that reveals a truth about your character, don’t be afraid to let your true self shine.

Option 2: “Cruciatus is as Cruciatus does”- craft something that is either painfully dull, painfully difficult or will actually cause pain.

Option 3: “Your best Defense is a good Offense”- Craft something that could bind and secure an opponent. Spinning a length of binding material either substantial and bulky or of a very fine wight that has been enchanted with a spell of holding might be of particular use. As the consequences of coming up short could be dire, be sure to produce a sufficient quantity.

Option 1: What is important simply because of its absence? Craft something that makes use of “negative space” in the design; for example, parts of the fabric are not present, or certain parts lack color. (Lace and/or colorwork suggested.)

Option 2: Craft something that can be viewed or used two or more different ways, depending on which part of the design you focus on. This could be a reversible design, a toy or other object that can change form, or a wrap that can be worn different ways, to list a few possibilities.

Herbology: Dirigible Plum
1: Defy gravity: knit, crochet, weave spin or dye something that is a new challenge for you. You are on your honor here, but you have to tell us about what you were trying to do and whether or not you think you have succeeded.

2: Enhancing the ability to accept the extraordinary: craft something that needs an explanation for us to fully appreciate it. The weirder the better. Then, sell it, sell it hard.

3: Inspired by Luna’s example of wearing dirigible plums as earrings, craft something to wear as jewelry that is totally inappropriate (we are not asking for the obscene here, just the very odd)

4: Really Defy Gravity: Craft something upside down. How is up to you. You might: Knit a toe up sock top down or vice versa. Flip a chart and see how it comes out. Take this literally and craft while your body is (safely) upside down. Hold your tools upside down. The important part is pictures or it didn’t happen and a good long scroll of parchment on what you did, how and why!

History of Magic: Triwizard Tournament
Option 1: Preparedness! You are a competitor in the very first Triwizard Tournament. You stand ready to begin but don’t know yet what the organizers have in store for you. Craft something you would bring along to help confront the terrifying Tasks ahead and explain your strategy!

Option 2: Ingenuity! Imagine that you are on the first Triwizard Tournament organizing committee. Craft something to symbolize one of the Tasks you would propose for the eager young witches and wizards whose names popped out of the Goblet of Fire.

Option 3: Strength of Heart! Embrace the spirit of cooperation as a route to success. Craft something in honor of a person you consider to be a true HPKCHC Champion! Please look among the current House Cup members before casting a name into this Goblet of Fire. Is this person especially helpful to others? An inspiring crafter? Someone who overcomes personal challenges with the heart of a Champion? Please explain the reasons for your choice and consider earburning your Champion when you hand in your assignment. Make sure we all know what makes this person great!

Muggle Studies: Dolls
Option 1: Recreate a Muggle Doll using standard spells (knitting and crocheting). Your Muggle Doll must be representative of a human! Think miniature humans.

Option 2: Make something for a Muggle Doll using standard spells: clothes, accessories, home furnishings, etc.

Option 3: Make a “Doll-like” stuffed animal. This must be a biological entity of some sort - a sentient lifeform. Think stuffed octopus or teddy bear, NOT a truck or knit strawberry.

Option 4: Spin doll hair! Spinners, spin a fingering weight or lighter yarn for this class (16 or more WPI).

Transfiguration: Scissors
Option 1. Use scissors to steek! (Bonus points for pictures of scissors actually cutting your project) Please don’t think you need to make an adult sweater, though we’d love to see it!

Option 2. Use scissors to transfigure something into something else. (For example, buy a thrift store sweater, felt it, cut it up, and sew it into mittens. Cut up plastic bags and crochet them into a more durable market bag. Cut-up any add-ins (clothes, plastic bags, fabric etc.) and spin (perhaps with other fiber) into yarn. Non-ravelry crafts allowed for this option only, on a case by case basis.) Think up-cycling! helpful link. Buying fabric or using fabric you already own to sew is not what we are looking for and will not be allowed.

Option 3. Create a project inspired by scissors. (Sell it!)

Option 4. Spinners/Dyers~ Spin or dye multiple colors of yarn for the purposes of a (future) colorwork and/or steeked project, with a bonus for showing us the design/diagram. Ex. I want to make X sweater with colors A, B, & C in this snowflake pattern. Here are the 3 skeins I spun/dyed!

craftyness:knitting, craftyness

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