More Bird Talk

Mar 07, 2011 23:50

We refilled the bird-feeders this weekend, which means that our house has totally been the place to be if you are a bird. Currently we have out black sunflower seed, nyjer seed, and a berry suet.

With the black sunflower seed out again, we have gotten a lot more house finches than just with the nyjer seed. The red coloring in the males is directly related to how good their diet is, so it is really interesting that we see a fairly distinct difference in color intensity after only one year of feeding. The females are starting to get a bit pusher at the feeder, though they don't seem to be very broody yet.

Also of note, cintyber and I had a visitor that we had a hard time identifying at first. He appears to be a junco, which I had not been terribly familiar with though all the bird-identification sites we found say they are common and not shy.

With the warmer weather, I am suddenly really struck by how much bird song we have around the house. Even when the windows are closed, you hear them all day (though particularly so in the mornings).


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