Wedding; Housing; and, Back to the Grind

Jul 06, 2004 21:34

Neil's wedding was awesome - finally got to see my relatives after a long, long time. I think that Neil has found the perfect match in Deepa, and I'm positive that they'll cherish a lifelong happy and healthy relationship. Congratulations again!

I felt like I was in a fairytale.

Note to David: yes, there was entirely too much spastic dancing during the wedding, but alas, no pink turbans. They can't have everything. At my aunt's wedding ten years ago, there were pink turbans, but no spastic dancing. I'd rather go with the spastic dancing than wrap pink cloth around my head.

I'll post pictures later, probably by next week.


A quick login to PAWS allowed me to check my housing status -- and I'm rooming with no less than three people. I'll probably (at least I hope so) get a huge room, but then again, I don't know any of my roommates. So if they're hardcore party people, I'll try to eke out a living in the library or in my house. I'm somewhat glad that I received my first choice dorm, East Laville, but I'd rather have a double in West Laville. It's probably not too late to request a change, but I don't want any more headaches/uncertainty with this housing business.

I'm going back to New Orleans this weekend for ... you guessed it, SAT retraining. It seems pretty definite this time around. I just received a twenty-seven page Essay grading manual and a fifty page Math manual via e-mail that need to be read and printed. In addition, I've got to complete the online Essay grading course, grade nine essays, and take the new SAT sometime this week at TPR's office ... either tomorrow or Thursday, though I'll probably take it Thursday. This retraining is definitely no cakewalk, as it involves much more preparation than the standard training sessions ... to which I showed up with only a couple of manuals and spent thirty minutes before the actual session to prep out a lesson. I could wait until August, but college is going to start then, and I'd miss out on a quite a few teaching opportunities if I opt to hold out - at least two or three classes will be held from mid July until mid August.

After TPR, I need to finish my titanic backlog of books - there's like ten of them, and I haven't read some of the books that I bought more than half a year ago! I've become more glued to computer games this summer than ever before, and I need to stop.

July just seems a bit rushed for now. Here's to hoping that it'll cool down.
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