World Domination Plans Are Going Well. XD

Dec 20, 2010 13:59

How this meme works:

→ Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
→ I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
→ You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
→ You'll include this explanation.
→ You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

My questions were given to me by antiquityangels.

1. What's your current favorite manga/anime?

Hmmm...I guess it'd have to be One Piece since that's the anime that I'm currently actively watching.

2. Favorite TV show?

I don't have one but I'll just put down one that I really like, even though it's no longer airing, Cartoon KAT-TUN.

3. Favorite non-Japanese band/group/singer?

Hmmm...once again I don't have one. I like a lot of groups and singers and it's too difficult for me to pick a favorite.

4. Would you rather have a heart made of glass or stone?

I'd rather have a heart made of glass. I'd get hurt a lot less if I had a heart made of stone but as weird as this may sound, I wouldn't want that. Even if I were to get hurt, I think the lessons I'd learn would be worthwhile and I'd want to keep the happy memories that I have of that experience, even if I got hurt in the end. I'd rather feel too much than hardly feel at all.

5. What would you do if some random stranger flipped up your skirt in public?

I'd Sparta Kick that f***er into oncoming traffic! RAWR! How dare he flip my skirt up! (How many people who read this will be able to guess whether or not I'm serious? lol!)
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