PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (Spoilers under cuts)

Oct 30, 2009 15:19

So I saw paranormal activity last night and it was the ABSOLUTELY MOST SCARIEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. (So scary that it is infact affecting my grammar.) Chelsey and I running commentary throughout the movie was usually, or some variation of OH FUCK! When we were leaving the theatre after the end of the movie I was heard to remark:


Not going to lie, as soon as I saw his body fly and her standing there covered in blood and looking all posessed I shut my eyes and kept them shut, and I think Chelsey did as well. We had to ask Matt what happened. I was seriously considering going to stay with someone.

Surprisingly enough I was able to fall asleep, most because I had only three hours the night before and almost passed the fuck out driving home. Got home and crawled under the covers the find I have no cell service, which is very odd for me, my phone and my apartment, I think my exact thought was, "oh great, now if I get my ass kicked by a demon, no one is gonna know!" Of course i'm dozing off and then there is a HUGE CRASH sound in my living room. After ten minutes of paralyzing fear I got up and saw my new vase of flowers lying smashed on my floor and Edward just sitting there smiling. Well, not smiling. But like that thing cats do when they've done something bad and yet they're proud of it? Yeah that. Passed out again after I told Ed to choke on the glass, and subsequently slept it. With just enough time to run to work.

In other news, I get to work Hallowe'en night, by myself, with nothing to do, at the funeral home, after seeing that fucking movie. Fuck. If I die, I want to wear my chucks in the casket (new ones please, the other's have fallen apart), be cremated, and buried at groveside. AND GOD HELP YOU IF YOU HAVE MY FUNERAL FROM A  CORPORATE  OR AT A PLACE WHERE SOMEONE I KNOW WORKS. Nobody I know will embalm me, NO SIR.

Anywho. Working with _unruhe this weekend. Should be mildly bearable. :P Though she gets to leave before it gets dark. Grrrr. Other than that, not much else to say. I went for a lovely walk in an autumned cemetery today, beautiful.

Happy Devil's Night! <3

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