May 12, 2009 13:03
general blarg on life right now. trying to get my embalming reports because i am the worlds number one slacker. funny thing is i watched interns before me and i said i'm not going to fall behind, i'll keep on top of it and there shall be NO stress. fail. intern fail. i hate life, life hates me, we have a good thing going here.
i really, really, really, want to quit pita work. i will find out in about two weeks if i can. :D if i can't i may kill myself.
need a new phone btw, don't be surprised if you try to phone or message me and i don't answer because my phone is made of fail and broken circuts. considering iphone... so much fancy fun to be had with it, again. two weeks.
got home form work at 6:30 last night with a migrane from being stuck in 2 hours of rush hour traffic. kipling avenue in T.O. to whitby and i never went over 40km/h. FML. my neck hurt so bad. i woke up at 2a.m. going WTFjusthappened!!! had an emo rant with David and subsiquently ended up going to 24hr McD's for a blizzard Mcflurry. i left chelsey a message for when she got off work to come hang out with me and she did. at 5:30am. <3 solid enough night. depressing, but could have been worse.
so now here i am sitting at work, one hour into my nine hour shift and i am bored. massively bored out of my skull wish i had my ipod or my cigs. either, or. heaven if i had both.
day off on thursday, counting down..
internship almost done. may need to be extended. not if i can find more embalmings that i missed though ;)