Apr 07, 2006 09:41
This losing one hour thing is really getting to me. It already took me a long time to adhere to my work schedule, getting up at 6am. But now...I have to lose ONE MORE HOUR! I don't think so time. You're stupid.
In other news, yesterday was Microsoft's Free Hack-In Day. All the computer savvy people out there had the opportunity to hack in to get things from Microsoft for free. Although...I suppose that would take some of the fun out of hacking if you could do it for free. No adventure.
The BIG thing happening now is the move. We bought paint ($40 worth) yesterday to start painting on Saturday. I'm looking forward to having it painted, but painting is painful. You use muscles in your arms and back that don't get used very often. I wish we could pay someone to do it for us, that would be ideal. But...there's nothing like the feeling of accomplished for a home project you've completed yourself. When we're rich, I'll pay someone to paint every room of my house twice a year...maybe. That would be cool though.
Hmmm...some other things I would do if I was rich...I would quit my job, get a Passat, get a normal size house and two puppies. I would buy Aaron all the CD's, DVD's, and Books he's been wanting. I would pay for Aaron to get a massage twice a week. Hmm...I would give Nathan the money so he could definitley choose the Mustang. I would fund research for all the cures of all the diseases in the world. I would pay for all the teens I know to go on a mission's trip; they can change lives. Anyone else have any ideas? I'm all tapped out.