Quotes...like burning

Nov 20, 2004 08:58

"You can't have breakfast for sex AND dinner, Julia!" - Zack in the morning after 1 hour of random search lights from helicopters peering into our windows and yelling muffled warnings and commands, of which, we could not understand while Tammy and Julia cowarded beneath MY blankets and covers on the floor of the apartment confining me to the middle as Tammy became friendly with the entertainment center and Julia made love to the coffee table, in hopes that no random druglord/ hardened criminal would enter our humble abode and kill us with a crow bar.

"I'm just dyin' in your arms tonight..."-Zack
"IT MUST'VE BEEN SOMETHIN' YOU SAID"- Tammy ...::julia laughing her ass off::

"BENN- NAY"-tammy

" GORILLA! GORRILLA NIGHT!" - Julia and Tammy

" ...And then, And then...Ketchup" - Zack and Julia
"...I don't get it! Is that something that I missed? Did that happen at the grocery store!?" - Tammy

"HONEY! My feet are cold!"- Julia
"Your feet are cold?" - Zack, in sarcastic curiousity
"Are you going to warm them up with lots and LOTS of sex?" - Julia, saying rather loudly, as old man parades by in the frozen food section while Zack examines the frozen vegetables as Julia makes squeeky sounds with the freezer door.
"Now apologize to the nice man!" - Zack, after recieving above statement
::walks away in awkward discomfort:: - random old man

"...and I was thinking to myself 'why did they tape them together?" - Tammy, questioning the pans of which the contents to the graham cracker cakes where contained.

"I feel like we're hoarding random immigrants in the apartment. Like theres forty of us laying together on the ground" - Zack, with random search lights still peering strongly into casa de tammy y zack at 2:40 in the am

"SNORT SNNOOORRT, SN-ORT" - Tammy and Julia (have you ever heard them laugh really hard!?")

"It's floppy...if anyone cares. *pauses and peers over*"- tammy holding spatula suggestively, preparing to take a slice of the now "Burrowed" graham cracker cake
"BLAH HA HA" - Julia...julia

"BENN-NAY!" - Tammy (again)

"And, I want ranch to dip my fries in, like the ketchup!"- Julia, preparing to recieve her Carl's Jr. Salad and Criss Cut fries
"I don't think they make it that way?" - Zack, with lack of fast food knowledge
"OF COURSE they make it that way!" - Julia, with her fast food knowledge
"EXCUSE ME! (picture black woman) CAN I GET SOME RANCH FOR MY FRIES?!" - Julia, speaking very sternly to the drive thru whore, the fast food guy
" JULIA! That was loud!"- Zack...
" Here you go...have a good night" - Drive thru Whore, Handing food PAST zack, THE DRIVER, to julia!
"THANK YOU!" - Julia speaking rather loud and obnoxious as we drove away...aww, they're having sex

"Have a safe night" - Zack, repeating random calender simantics
"Thats next saturday" - Tammy, speaking STILL suggestively
"BE-ELCH!" - Julia, in response to above comments
" I concure"- Tammy as she walks away

" Well, if John comes over smelling like rancid meat, we know what he was doing" - Zack, saying calmly as Tammy contemplates graham cracker cake and julia eats salad
"muffled (and very mexican) DUDE! I'm Eating here!" Tammy, in disgust

"Did you just say GEE WILIKERS!?" - Tammy

"BENN-NAY" - Need I say who?

"Our neighbors are going think we are drunk" - tammy, after putting down, suggestively, the spatula from which she used to grab her CAKE
"No, they're going to think you two are drunk and I am insane" - Julia
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