Oct 22, 2008 12:50
I don't usually get political, but I have some comments to make about the recent sling of proposals up for ratification that would ban gay marriage in Arizona, California and Florida. I think it's ridiculous that this is even an issue. We live in a (mostly) enlightened society and people need to get over their small-minded bigotry and let everyone else live in peace (if they want, they can keep on being bigots - I just don't want them to parade their views around as though they are what people should believe). This includes gay marriage. If we want to get married, let us. For God's sake, it's not too much to ask. I mean, the debate is basically about not even rights, but a word: Marriage.
That being said, I've got to say that I'm tired of hearing about it. Tired to the point that I don't even really care anymore if these proposals pass. I realize this makes me a horrible gay, and likely a horrible person, but I think we have much more important things to tackle right now than making something as trivial as a WORD equal to everyone. True, there are probably some rights tacked on to a marriage we don't get via civil unions, but from what research I've done these rights aren't significant enough to warrant such a huge fight at this point in time. There are still so many anti-discrimination laws we have to pass and so many people left to educate; we must reach marriage by building a solid foundation and I'm not sure we've done that yet.
But in the end, none of that really matters. We still have the opportunity to make the world a more just place. So I say now: If you live in Arizona, vote NO on Prop 102! If you live in California, vote NO on Prop 8! If you live in Florida, vote NO on Prop 2!
I'm sorry this was such a weird and contradictory entry. I just needed to get this stuff out of my system. The overall lesson is, don't be a douchebag. Let gays marry and we can finally move on to something more important.