One of my favorite authors is Pulitzer Prize-winner Michael Chabon. If you haven't read "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay," "Wonder Boys," or the recent "The Yiddish Policemen's Union," you should. Here he is delivering an eloquent endorsement of Barack Obama.
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He also had this to say about Sarah Palin's oddly-named children:
"I was kind of excited when I thought Willow was a Buffy shout-out. Like, how cool, she named her kid after a Jewish lesbian witch! It was part of this weird, innocent spasm of credit-extending that I experienced on first seeing the Governor in action last Friday. But the moment was very short-lived, alas. I bet she doesn't even watch Buffy. The names are kind of awesome, in my opinion. But then I have a son named Ezekiel Napoleon Waldman Chabon."