Mar 15, 2006 11:02
Peach always cheers me up.
I found out today that I have about $5,000 in stocks that my grandmother bought for me before she died. I am grateful, and I plan on selling them all to invest the money into a C.D account. I was asked to check into Acoustictech again this friday, which gives me hope that they might need me to start working by monday.
I'm pretty pissed at myself for having spent almost all of my inheritance and savings over this period of unemployment. Granted, I know most all of it went towards bills, but still. My dad was pretty cool about it, though. It's amazing how reasonable that man can be. Yes, of course he was a little disappointed, as I am, but he got over it. Once I start working again, which will be very soon (weather's warming up at last) I'm going to do overtime throughout the summer and then part-time in the winter while I go to school.
I'm not entirely sure I want to go to Europe this summer like Mira does. Well, I want to, of course, but I'm not sure I should, for the same reason I didn't go to Turkey. I know a woman who spent her early twenties traveling the world without a care. She had the time of her life, but when she finally came back, she didn't have anything built up in her name. I'm not saying what she did was a bad idea, far from it in fact! I'm just saying that's not what I want. I want to have a list of accomplishments by the time I'm thirty, and an even longer list of projects in progress. Traveling is wonderful, and I've done quite a bit of it. I'm definitely more worldly than the average Joe. I think, though, that I would be wise to lay myself a decent foundation before I go tackle the world head-on.
My mother is constantly offering to let myself and a friend use her timeshares to have a place to stay anywhere we like in the world. I know she means it, after all, she's not using them at the moment and she doesn't want it to go to waste. I may take her up on the offer this fall, after I work hard and build some credit with a company. I'd like to feel I've earned my vacation.
I've been unemployed for five months now. That's a really long time. Yes, I did side jobs here and there, I kept busy with projects and whatnot. It was a fun vacation, I actually got to spend five months in total freedom. It really was pretty cool, but it's not the way I want to live. Particularily because a person can't live this way without taking advantage of someone or something.
Roll call is tomorrow, and I'm considering getting up extra early to visit a couple job sites just to keep a few extra pans on the fire, so to speak. I really want the Acoustictech job, though, since it's relatively simple work and pays the same. Not to mention they have flexible hours and relative stability when you prove yourself to them.
Anyways, I think I'm going to go shower and get this day started already. I hate late starts!