Almost Finish!

May 01, 2009 00:54

It has been so long since I've posted an entry. I neglected live journal for so long and I believe it's time for an update
I am in my 5th semester of the nursing program right now which is the second to the last semester of the program. I will finish my last two classes in summer school but before that I will be taking part in the SDSU commencement ceremony on May 22, 2009. I am both excited and anxious about the end of my college career. I will be entering the workforce as a registered nurse soon. Reality is going to hit me soon and I will become a full pledged member of society. SCARY! It is just weird thinking that I will not be going to school and doing homework. When I think about I've been going to school for almost 18 years. YIKES!
Right now I am taking Community Health Nursing (N414), Psychiatric Nursing (N416) and Professional Development (N460). I love all of the classes this semester compared to last semester. There were so many papers to write and group projects to do. There was definitely a lot busy work this semester. However, the clinical rotations were a wonderful experience. I got to visit homes and interacted with people at a more personal level. I had the opportunity of learning about mental illnesses and understanding the world of psychiatric nursing. Last semester was not as great as this semester. My fourth semester I took Obstetrical Nursing and Pediatric Nursing. I enjoyed witnessing live births and c-sections and taking care of newborn babies but the whole other part of the class was difficult. For some reason I could not understand the material. I honestly thought I was going to have to repeat that class but with hard work, concentration, and determination I was able to pull off a passing grade in the class. There was a point in 5th semester that I broke down into tears. The last time I was overwhelmed with school and emotionally unstable was when I took Adult Health Nursing (N308) with Dr. Saarman. Man O' man was that class difficult. I also think that my relationship with a faculty member soured my experience in OB. Thankfully I made it out of that class alive. I had a lot of fun with Pediatrics. I loved taking care of the children at Rady Children's Hospital. Just seeing them smile and doing better reminded why I got into nursing. I cannot believe that college is almost over. I feel very accomplished and proud of myself for getting this far. I definitely have grown but still more room to learn more. I have not found myself yet and still am on that journey of self realization. I just need to work out the kinks in my life especially with my health. I don't want to disclose anything more than that but I absolutely need to change. Change my lifestyle, habits, and poor choices.

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