I've got the cleaver out, and my Muse has ADD...

Feb 24, 2011 15:15

My Muse has once again drifted elsewhere in search of inspiration, and as such, handed me a cleaver and a white apron. Why, you ask? Because my Muse has given me an objective: Butcher Deathly Hallows.

Reading parkergray 's journal set me down a path that led me to picking up a Bronx accent and sitting behind a meat counter. It started when I read the last part of her H/Hr fiction "Love, Actually", and mentioned the dancing scene from the movie. Yes, that (and the scene involving Bird-Darts in HBP) made me want to scream at Rowling: "Y U No have H/Hr?"

From there, I was led down a dark spiral. I tortured myself by finding the dancing scene from the movie on YouTube, at which point I'd been given the instrument of my butchering DH. From watching that one scene, my mind has been a jumble of random thoughts, images, written lines and bouts of Potterverse dialogue that are starting to come together to form a small continuity of works.

...I hate myself for having completion issues. I love my writing too much to see it finished, because instead of feeling accomplishment, I subconsciously drag it on and on so I don't have to put it down and say 'There, I'm finished it', and then forget it. I want to complete some of my stories, and I hope it'll all begin with the simple hacking and slashing of a book that's like Swiss cheese: too many holes and a slightly bitter taste to me.

I'm hateful, I know, but that negativity kinda gets me rearing to write...


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