Nov 02, 2012 15:58

So here I was, counting down the days until my job was over so that I could focus on my long-term school projects. I figured, today's Friday, store's last day to be open is Saturday, Sunday and maybe Monday to tear the displays down, start doing schoolwork on Tuesday. Paper's not due 'til the 15th, there's time.

Then the boss finished the schedule. No work on Sunday, but then we'll be tearing the store down for the next entire week, finishing next Monday. The 12th. Three days before my paper is due. Not to mention my other assignments. The work itself doesn't bother me (though apparently the boss is absolutely evil to everybody but me, for some reason), but I really don't like how hard it is to do long-term projects while working. I've been functioning on an entirely short-term schedule since I started work back in September, and it's going to be really hard to adjust and get all my shit done.

Although, as my mom says, as much as I hate half-assing, all I have to do is pass. So if worst comes to worst, there's always that. Hope everyone's well.

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