Why yes, I AM alive! :)

Aug 03, 2009 18:22

Okay, so basically I've been away for a couple weeks at my friend's house in Vermont. But now I'm back... WITH SOME PICSPAM?!


My thought process was as follows: PRETTY NEW GRAPHICS + Picnik + handy guide to 2nd gen Letter kids + introduction of clever middle names = (hopefully) a nice post to let y'all know that I'm alive. :)

I've discovered that both Adrian and Alexis look a lot more attractive with my new graphics. Lex is still giving Austin a run for her money as heiress, especially after said graphics change.

Oh, and Elle? Gotta's been wanting to adopt a kid ever since she married Dags. I'm assuming it's because she thought she would never be able to have children? I finally caved and that's when Elle came into the picture. She fits right in with the army of blondes and is the same age as Annie, right down to the day. I've been calling them the pseudo twins.

letter, got mail? extras, got mail?, elle, annapolis, adrian, alexis, austin

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