So as a few of you know, I bought the Best of Business collection the other day which includes OFB, H&M stuff and Kitchens and Baths. AND I LOVE IT! I now have so many other nice extras, like ceilings and assigning hairs to outfits, etc. I also downloaded Gadwin because I've become fed up with the ingame camera... so without further ado, a little picspam!
Oh, hey madeover Florence Delarosa, what's up?
Florence autonomously got talking to one of her customers, Sinjin, and I knew they HAD to be together XD The florist and the exterminator... sounds like a sitcom to me.
Awww, brings a tear to my eye ;)
Aaaaand now they're engaged with a baby on the way who I fully intend to name Lily or Daisy or something. XD