The Andersons: Chapter 10 a

Apr 12, 2010 17:32

Welcome to the first half of the last chapter of The Andersons: an OWBC! I decided to divide Chapter 10 in half so instead of one huge massive chapter, there will be two smaller, manageable ones.

Oh hi, Ry. :)

All of a sudden, it seems like both Paisley and Pao have been out haunting and scaring the household all the time. I thought this photo of them together was sort of cute.

Pax, however, doesn't agree.

Ryder is often targeted as well.

Ryder: Emerald, today is Orin's birthday!
Emerald: Mew?
Ryder: I'm only talking to you to distract from the fact that Dani didn't take many pictures of his birthday...

And the generation's bad apple grows up well, as you can see from the aspiration points that weren't cropped out of this photo.

No I didn't change his clothes... what are you talking about? O_o

Anyways, Orin looks like a pale, alien Komei Tellerman, which makes sense since he got practically all of CAEPW's genetics (she has the Komei face in case anyone forgot...). He's still shy as ever and playing chess any chance he gets.

After Orin's teenification, Sadie was playing with Pax and realized something. Her older brother not only had children, but they were becoming teenagers. So she made a decision.

It was time for her to go make a name for herself.

Sadie packed all her pink things into the taxi cab and left that afternoon. I may do something with her later on, depending on how busy I am.

The rest of the household all took the time to help Sadie move out and say their goodbyes, as shown in the above photo...

That night, Ryder was stargazing for skill points as he had been doing for a couple hours every night for a sim week or so. Little did I realize that because Sadie had moved out, there were only 7 sims on the lot.

So Ryder was abducted. Notice the lack of abduction pictures thanks to my pure shock and the fact that the special events camera was turned on. I know, I know. Bad storyteller.

But yeah, he's pregnant.


Mali and Aaden are great grandparents. When Ryder is puking and CAEPW is at work, they help the kids with their homework.

Paxton: It's my birthday!

Yes, I'm well aware that was quick.

And with that, Pax became a teenager.

He immediately ran off to go play with his mother... Let's get a better look, shall we?

Cuuuuute. Pax is more of a mix of Ryder and CAEPW than Orin is.

Ryder: I feel funny...

Ryder: Uh oh.

Ryder: Hi there.
CAEPW: Is there something you want to tell me?

Ryder: And that's why I'm fat and wearing a shirt with an alien on it.

CAEPW was fine with it. Alien takeover, anyone?

Proof Ryder wrote his obligatory novel. Excuse the sky.

After Ryder's "discovery", things went back to normal in the house. A father gave his son advice about pregnancy... (that's not normal?)

Appliances were broken and fixed...

Chelsea, the smart (somewhat ignored) baby of the family worked hard at school...

So did her brothers...

And even her father, on occasion.

I've found Mali really seems to enjoy gardening. She's always outside pruning a bush or pulling weeds.

Ali, you go back home. I WILL NOT have any more of my legacy heiresses complicating their lives with OWBC boys. So LEAVE.

I was too busy getting someone to shoo Alessandria that I didn't notice Ryder going into labor.

Chelsea, however, noticed right away.

Meet Louise Anderson. She has her father's brown hair and the typical green skin and alien eyes.

CAEPW: I will raise this pure blood as my own and teach her all the skills I know, so that someday she may take over the world!
Mali: I may be old, but not deaf. Please hand over Lou.

This is the part of the chapter where I discover I can't locate some of my pictures.

Louise is a tot now! Yay time lapse!

She's pretty cute, in my opinion.

Look at the cute!

Chelsea: Um, hello?!

Chelsea had her birthday the same night as Louise, which explains why I have no pictures of her party either. She's definitely her father's daughter, too. She even rolled family, which is Ryder's aspiration.

So here's the end of the short, awkward, and abrupt chapter. Stay tuned for the conclusion to The Andersons: an OWBC, where I will hopefully receive a shiny new pink flamingo medal! Thanks for reading, and please leave comments over on the Boolprop thread if you'd like!

sadie, anderson, paxton, louise, chelsea, omalia, owbc, caepw, orin, aaden, ryder

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