mglboy posted this the other day...,0,407199.story?coll=la-home-headlines and you know what? I am getting pretty tired of people trying to figure out why we are gay.
"What makes you gay? Is it the length of yout ring finger? Is is due to the fact that your mother was over bering? How many older brothers do you have?"
Blah blah blah.
Look, I'm here, I'm queer, so fucking deal with it! (yes, I just typed that and sorta kinda mean it)
I think society needs to just get over the entire thing for a while. Make it a non issue. Not "don't ask don't tell" but "who the fuck cares!"
Hey middle America, the gays don't even like you. We don't want to move into your neighborhoods. We may want to date your gay sons... but seeing as you don't care if your straight sons beat their wives and children and most of you don't seem to mind, who cares if the gay one takes it in the A. I say just leave us alone.
Hey upper class free thinking straights... stop trying to figure us out. People are people.
I'm just getting so tired of everyone trying to understand why it is we are the way we are. If we make you laugh around the office, so much the better. If you love to watch us making fools of ourselves on TV (yes, gay characters on reality TV make for the best ratings) let us.
One other thing: If there is someone in your life that you think might be gay... go ahead and ask a gay... they would know better then anyone else. But if they don't know, and the person in question doesn't know either... don't beat a gay horse... or a possibly gay horse. Let the boy come out in his own time. It's all this media bullshit that has made them uncomfortable in the first place.
If any of you have opened a caterpillar's chrysalis before it was ready to spread its fancy colourful wings on its own, you kill it. Intent on finding something cute, fluttery and gay... in actuality you get a mess of green puss and the thing dies. (I know it's a stretch of a metaphor... but think about it).
I've ranted enough...