Here is what my loving roommate texted me with tonight in lou or our spat regarding my nonappearence in Vegas...
After he told our good friend Holly that he had appologised (twice) for being a huge ass to me on a daily basis... God love him!
"I wrote nathan another letter... I don't think he will ever forgive what I did" to holly (lie)
"If I were you... I'de lock my door when I got home"
"I was kidding. There is no reason to be mad at me. this is crazy nathan."
"look, he i have been mean thats one thing. but you should have tried to talk to me. Cause six days ago we were cuddling?"
"I'm the only one who stood up for you ALL WEEKEND, and you treat me like crap" (lie)
"this is the last straw? What was the first?"
"Look, im not md, lets just not talk, i like you im not mad, just less talking"
"i thought you didnt want to go to veas cause nobody liked you. I had to defend you all weekend, then you get mad at me- thats the last straw"
"I was the only one who answedr your calls" (lie) ...thanks Gunny... eventhough you were post hookup with paulina!
"and I agree, you probably should not come to vegas, but lets still be friends"
"haha face it"
"You have NO idea"
"You act like a victim, but you must be doing something wrong. . . "
"stop, im all about being friends, just not close friends"
"new fox reality show- when nathan attacks"
"we? ok, have fun the weekend of the 9th"
"mtv true life: i have a fake job"
"you are a big joke!"
"just dont talk to me"
God love him but in true MTV fashion... NEXT! (It wouldn't be the first time)