Mar 20, 2006 17:50
too lazy to write full sentences.
lockers. books. glue glue glue. packets. read read read. quiz. sit. ipod. sit. nap. read. write. whiteboard. characters. to kill a mockingbird. blood. assilem=demo. pricked twice. prick prick prick. chicken sandwich. cup noooodles. hot. windy weather. sit sit sit. best friends. little color pencils. VERY litlle color pencils. thank you sidecca. store love. expensive. basketball. melissa x2 karen c chrissssy von. moi. bird. injuries. twice on cranium. desk change. peeing race. singing. simon says. kumon. work work work. jims french fries. muy delicioso. yummmm. home. online. tina. the hush sound. april 2nd. $9 ( + $3 charge) anaheim. sunday. free weekend. need ride. need to do science project. cute is what we aim for. scrapes. science project science project science project. stress. debras bday tomorrow. sweethearts.
no plans friday. take me somewhere.