Oct 04, 2008 16:34

--- > Filtered to Souji < ---

Hey Souji. A bit ago Heihachi asked me for some help repairing a ship of one of our new boarders. Since he had to hop I was wondering if you could give me a hand with it? I went to take a look at it and it seems like it'll be a pretty big job and I could use the extra hands.

--- > End Filter to Souji < ---

--- > Filtered to Ed and Al < ---

Hey, it's been a while. Just wanted to see how you two were doing.

--- > End Filter to Ed and Al < ---

--- > Private to Self | Hard to Hack < ---

Jee, it almost passed by without me even noticing. Hard to believe it's been so many years now. I can't help but be reminded of that discussion Isako and I had a while ago...maybe I've lost sight of my goals as well with this mess we've gotten involved in, and now the whole thing with Ling.


Everything seems to be getting progressively worse, but I suppose sometimes it has to, to get better.

--- > End Private to Self < ---

c: alphonse, mechanics tiemz, s: alphonse, s: edward, c: souji, oct 3

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