Sep 06, 2008 15:34

--- > Filtered to the 4423 < ---

Well I finally managed to get a replacement communicator in town. Bit of a relief, it was a bother having to borrow other people's journal, but thank you to all who lent them to me.

We'll probably be stuck here for a while because of repairs, and we don't have much money to get extra hands so anyone who can chip in would be much appreciated. The more help the quicker we can be out of here. Otherwise get comfortable for a long stay.

--- > End Filter to 4423 < ---

--- > Filtered to the Winding Way < ---

I never got a chance to do this, and for that I apologize. My name is Winry Rockbell, and I am First Mate of the 4423. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the help that you gave my ship, and feel rather petty that all I can give now are words. But know this, if you ever need something, if it is within my ability I will be happy to help.

I would particularly like to thank Joshua and Sophie for find me and my companions. That was very kind.

--- > End Filter to Winding Way < ---

--- > Private to Self < ---

It's a little strange how easily I've gotten back into the flow of things. Though I can remember in my head how absolutely terrified I felt, and how for a moment I was certain I was going to die, I can't conjure the actual feelings within me. It's like...recalling something that happened to someone else. When Greed, Beat, and I were flushed out of the 4423 I'm sure all of us had doubts as to the likelihood of us surviving, but we did. That week that followed really passed like a blur, I got to know more of Beat, got to see Ling again. We really made a pretty good team; I think that we would have been able to make it to Shasta alone, but I'm still very grateful that Vaan, Joshua, and Sophie showed up.

Speaking of Ling...

Now that I know what I have to do, I should get planning on how to free him. No one deserves that...

--- > End Private < ---

--- > Filtered to Beat < ---

Hey Beat, there's something I'd like to talk to you about in person. It's about Greed.

--- > End Filter to Beat < ----

winding way, ling, i still hurt in fact, new journal yay!, c: kambei, c: mao, omg why does it hurt, c: beat, c: gorobei, lotsa filters

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