Mar 01, 2011 12:32
My mom and I just rented a movie called Vanishing on 7th Street. The plot is basiclly about this place that gets blacked out by shadows and everyone inside the shadows vanish. Thus the name of the movie. So, people have to survive inside whatever light they can.
The thing that interested me was the many ways people in the movie used lights to survive. Of course there were flashlights, but people used other means as well. One guy even made an entire necklece of flashlights and other small lights just to keep lights on him at all times. I thought it was really well done and inventive. ike his own DIY Xmas lights.
I'm not going to go on about it too much because the whole ending had me blown away. I really couldn't believe what happened. But, I honestly enjoyed it. Survival thrillers usually bore me, but this one was fun to watch.